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Wild Irish Yenta
Do murderers, stock manipulators, and kidnappers stalk Temple Israel in Rockville, Maryland? When the body of custodian Roberto Gomez is found in Temple Israel’s parking lot, Patricia Weiss, nee Reilly, exchanges her suburban-mom sneakers for gumshoes to investigate the hit-and-run. A new convert to Judaism, Patricia is grappling with her outsider status at the upscale Reform congregation. Inspired by her detective dad, Patricia is compelled to find out who-dun-it and why. Before she can progress with her investigation or problems in her difficult marriage to a busy cardiologist and his Jewish mother, she is plunged into the Temple’s troubles. Her mentor Rabbi Deborah disappears after delivering a controversial sermon in support of interfaith marriage. Despite her husband’s concerns, Patricia, with toddler Danny and buddy Brenda in tow, designates herself as the yenta patrol to unravel the mysteries.
