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Peter Rush
Wild World
Peter Rush, author
Set against the backdrop of the protest era of the 1970s, an idealistic Brown University grad postpones law school to be near his girlfriend and takes a job in Providence as a police officer - but when he discovers corruption in the department, his determination to overturn the system holds unexpected consequences for his own life.
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 7.75 out of 10


Plot: Rush's plot immediately grabs readers as it boldly opens in the aftermath of the Kent State shooting. The fear and urgency continues through the entirety of the novel for a fast-paced, engrossing ride.

Prose/Style: Rush's prose is bold and memorable. Short, clipped sentences convey the tense emotions of the story, and brings a heightened but never overwrought sense of gravity to the writing.

Originality:  Though many aspects of the storytelling are conventional in execution, Rush brings freshness to a story of systemic corruption, personal growth, and activism via its well-realized 1970's backdrop and references to pivotal historical events.

Character/Execution: Steve's journey as an activist is compelling as he learns how deep the corruption of the legal system truly goes. He is a strong and grounded protagonist and Roxy works effectively as his equal.

Date Submitted: August 20, 2020

Quarter Finalist

Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 10 out of 10
Character/Execution: 10 out of 10
Overall: 9.25 out of 10


Plot: This novel is structured well and engaging. While the first third of the book drags a bit, with very little action, things pick up once Steve joins the police force.

Prose: The writing here is exceedingly good. The words and story flow smoothly, and the author is particularly adept with word choice. The author also does a great job capturing the spirit of the 1970s.

Originality: Though it deals with historical material that will be familiar to readers, this novel is a new, refreshing twist on the coming-of-age story.

Character Development: The author does an admirable job developing main characters Steve and Roxy, as well as many of their friends, colleagues, and family members. The author also does a stellar job reflecting the mindset of the age.

Blurb: Set in the volatile days of the early 1970s, this superbly-written work is an absorbing story of youthful ambition tempered by real life.

Date Submitted: August 21, 2017


Wild World Reviews



 “A deftly crafted and inherently engaging read from cover to cover, Wild World is an extraordinary and impressively entertaining read from beginning to end -- and showcases author Peter S. Rush as having a genuine flair for originality.” Midwest Book Review  


“Author Peter Rush vividly recreates those times and faithfully captures the mood on campuses around the country during those tumultuous years of protest against the Vietnam War." "Wild World is a crime novel, a love story and a mystery all rolled into one… well written and keeps your attention." Peace Corps Journal  


“(Wild World) is so very pertinent to our time that reading it brings into sharp focus those flaws in our present political condition: change is not only possible, but inevitable. Peter Rush is a sensitive and powerful writer whose future in American literature seems secure with the publication of this debut novel.” San Francisco Review of Books


“An intricate and captivating read throughout…. with the kind of narrative twists that prove wholly addictive…Wild World proves an extraordinarily powerful debut from Peter Rush.”  —BookViral


"A riveting exploration of one man trying to change a corrupt system from within... Rush’s agile writing is impressive." Clarion Review


“This is a well-written novel, one rich in period detail and dramatically dynamic.” Blue Ink Review


"A fascinating read... Interspersed with vivid snapshots of the political, cultural, and social climate, the novel captures the zeitgeist of the 1970s with absolute candor and exhaustive detail." Brown Daily Herald


“Set in the volatile days of the early 1970s, this superbly-written work is an absorbing story of youthful ambition tempered by real life.” The BookLife Prize




"Wild World takes us inside the Vietnam era on campus, and the author captures it perfectly. The devastating effects to the innocent are all here, especially upon those who try to set things to right."

—Mary Ann Tirone-Smith author of Girls of a Tender Age


 “Though Wild World is set in the ‘70s, it brings to light parallels between that era’s cultural and political climate and today’s tempestuous climate... Rush’s greatest strength as a writer is his celerity. He is able to transition from scene to scene swiftly, propelling the plot forward at a rapid rate.” Wiki Lit



“The strength of Wild World is its focus, Steve is unflinching and nearly Job-like as he maneuvers not to just take down the corrupt but raise up the incorruptible.”     


