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Hardcover Details
  • 04/2025
  • 978-0-9789512-9-0
  • 212 pages
  • $16.95
Jason Edwards
Will Allen and the Unconquerable Beast

Middle Grade; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Publish)

For socially inept middle school Math geek Will Allen, the monsters changed everything. In the year since the mysterious monster detective, Bigelow Hawkins, recruited him to battle living manifestations of fear, he has grown in strength and bravery, conquered a multitude of creatures more horrific than his mother’s asparagus dumplings, and forged firm friendships with his grateful classmates. For the first time in his life, he basked in the esteem of his peers. But now his idyllic fellowship is crumbling. His friend group splintered when Will took on repugnant clients like Kane Kanawake, a boy with the look and manners of a moose. Were they put off by Kane’s odd appearance, or did they feel the same shiver up their spine that Will did when Kane was near? Even Will’s best friend and monster-fighting partner, Jeannine Fitsimmons, turned her back on him when he agreed to help her rival, the eerily disquieting Jaime McIntyre. Jeannine insisted that Jaime was evil, and Bigelow himself warned Will to stay away from her, but some unfathomable bond between them compelled Will to take her case. But Will quickly found himself overwhelmed. The beam of his monster-fighting RevealeR flashlight faded in Jaime’s presence as if something had consumed its mystical energies. What’s worse, Jaime lured Will into the clutches of an unconquerable foe, the Lord of Shadows. Alone and defenseless, Will discovers that he must restore the bond with his friends in order to regain his monster-fighting mojo and save them all from a horror beyond imagining.
Hardcover Details
  • 04/2025
  • 978-0-9789512-9-0
  • 212 pages
  • $16.95
