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Paperback Book Details
  • B0B45GVLLH
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Rachelle Kampen
Witch in a Wolf Den (Hanks Hollow Series)
Things are looking up for half-werewolf, half-witch Rosie Hart. She and her best friend and fellow werewolf, Lucas Beckett, have discovered a mate bond that transcends the human experience of love. Only one problem... The United States Werewolf Council has ordered Rosie to mate with an alpha when she is of age, and Lucas isn't an alpha. At least not yet. Lucas secretly has been promised a future as alpha among his family's pack, but the question remains, will it happen before the Council decides it's time for Rosie to fulfill their wishes? Even as the threat of being ripped apart looms, Rosie and Lucas's love flourishes. But when the Council shows up at Hart House and orders Rosie to start courting Calvin, future alpha of the neighboring Cramer pack, impending threats become a current affair. Rosie is suddenly thrust into a werewolf world that is different from her father's leadership in the Hart pack. The Cramers hold to old, misogynistic, barbaric traditions, and Rosie fears being forced into a life she hates. With tensions rising at home between the Hart family and local hunters, and Rosie forced to spend her weekends with the Cramers, the future looks bleak. She must find a way to navigate life with a pack that questions and threatens her very existence if she is to survive.
Paperback Book Details
  • B0B45GVLLH
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  • $
