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GG Collins
Without Notice
GG Collins, author
Blended families are okay until it affects Courtney’s family. It’s bad enough her father moves the family to a new city after her mother is killed, but then they meet his girlfriend Silky. Courtney resists in the only way a thirteen-year-old can; being unkind even when she doesn’t want to be. But a new friendship with a troubled but adventurous girl allows Courtney to try new experiences, until one of these lands them in trouble. Courtney will have to depend on Silky for help.

At thirteen, Courtney has faced the death of her mother, moving across the country with her father and sisters and now a true reality kick in the heart, her father has a girlfriend, who may be more than just a friend. Out of sorts, out of her element and wanting to be able to talk to her mother, she is caught up in a tsunami of guilt, fear, insecurity and betrayal. How could her father find someone to replace her mother so soon, if ever? Determined NOT to like Silky, Courtney will discover that when she needs a mother figure the most, an unlikely ally comes to her rescue like a mama bear protecting her cubs.

WITHOUT NOTICE by G.G. Collins was a most fabulous surprise! She takes us into the heart and mind of a teen in pain and clearly not equipped to deal with everything life has been throwing at her. The emotional maturity of a young teen is so fragile, caught between being declared an adult and not quite allowed to be a child, and G.G. Collins grabbed that young voice and ran with it for an impressive, winning read, perfect for any age!

Highly recommended for teens, who will understand and adults who forget what it was like to be so young and vulnerable!

