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Jorja Jamison
Wounded Healing
Imagine landing your dream job as an addiction psychologist at the nation’s most famous alcohol and drug treatment facility. You’ve spent 8 grueling years earning your Master’s and Doctorate degrees in a program you were never supposed to get into, and you’ve been identified as a rising star in the field. At every turn, leaders and clients are praising your abilities. There’s just one catch: you have been doing all this while secretly battling your own addiction. For years you lead a painful double life, presenting to the world as a competent clinician, but privately you are spiraling into hell. Then one day everything falls apart and you must learn what it truly means to heal from an addiction. Wounded Healing: the Art and Soul of Surthriving weaves Dr. Jamison’s personal memoir with expert guidance for anyone who has struggled with substance use or mental health issues.
