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Jayita Bhattacharjee
Writing As A Transformative Pathway
There is nothing harder than carrying the heaviest grief around. It cannot stay unwritten and unreleased. You must let out what holds you back. If ever you feel the loss is too great to bear, then seek comfort in this belief, that writing lets you live it again, In the moment you once had and in the retrospection.. You get to revisit those years again, pull them out from the dust, sift through those times and give them the words. The loss that haunted you, now comes in the form of a story, that the world gets to read. As they roll their eyes over the lines, your grief finds a ground. It becomes well grounded, and you did not let it pass you by.. Every emotion of yours is carved beautifully and takes the shape of an art, a story finally released on the pages that stayed blank for ages. At last, your grief becomes founded. As the world reads the lines of your soul, the hardest grief turns to something else. It becomes the light in someone else's life who has lost their own. By penning what remained in silence, you revealed the rays that now appear as a dawn. Writing your silent grief, can give a voice to the pain you struggle with in everyday life. How it carves all the emotions and takes the shape of a beautiful art, a story as you release yourself on the pages with the words that flow from your heart. Writing may seem to be a solitary act, yet in the solitude comes out the most revealing light through your pen. And the story rolls out, sometimes the most poetic verses arise from the breaking hearts and they fill the universe with its poetic therapeutic spirit. At times, the story may roam from one reader to another, taking them to the deepest places of their own. While it heals you, the art that arises from your writing heals others. It has a creative, transformative, and a connective power.
