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Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2021
  • 9780648894605
  • 484 pages
  • $5.99
Maria P Frino
Xenure Station Trilogy (Xenure Station Trilogy)

Young Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Xenure Station Trilogy, a science fantasy space drama where The Enforcers and The High Priest Enforcer are taken on by two power couples who free humans from the grip of this dystopian society. Book 1 – Xenure Station: A Billion Light Years. Dawa and Zenac want to escape from The Enforcers. They have three hundred followers who want to do the same. Why do they need to do this and who are The Enforcers? Book 2 – Xenure Station: The Revenge. Leyna was Thadd’s girlfriend before she went to Xenure Station. She and Thadd worked out a plan to overthrow his tyrannical father, the High Priest Enforcer. Leyna is caught by Xenure Station’s security forces after Thadd dies, so she vows to keep going with their plan. Book 3 – Xenure Station: The Return. Dawa and Zenac join forces with Leyna and Eween. The High Priest, now known as Dilvant, resides in Crete. Will he remain quiet or is there trouble ahead for all of them?

5 Stars
Interesting read
Thoroughly enjoyed this fast moving family saga. This book spans over three generations and although it is a sad story the love of a family triumphs.

Adele Murphy -

Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2021
  • 9780648894605
  • 484 pages
  • $5.99
