According to Jhogasundram, too many lives are spent trying to make others happy and conforming to unrealistic expectations. Instead, she teaches readers to reframe their anxieties and disappointments by understanding they can only control their own reactions to external events–and after they have done their best in any situation, the last recourse is to believe the Universe (her flexible term for a greater power) will bring their desires to fruition. Jhogasundram suggests that readers practice setting healthy boundaries to free up energy for pursuing their own interests, advising “you teach people how to treat you by the way you treat yourself.”
Much of this guide feels elemental, but readers new to the concept of conscious living will appreciate the straightforward counsel, particularly the sections on how to increase everyday gratitude and why to expect resistance when breaking with traditional ways of measuring success. Jhogasundram writes that making conscious decisions should start with small steps, such as paying attention to the sounds in our environment or relishing daily routines, reminding us throughout that no experience should ever be wasted. For those seeking a more meaningful existence, this preparatory guide will give them a good starting point.
Takeaway: This compact guide will give readers a base for making conscious decisions and pursuing their true desires.
Great for fans of: Drew Gerald’s Why You’re Still Stuck, Mallory Ervin’s Living Fully.
Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: B
Marketing copy: B