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Amanda M. Ferris
Author, Illustrator, Contributor, Editor (anthology), Service Provider
YOU: THE STING OPERATIVE- 100 Tactics to Change the World, Right From Your Own Neighborhive
Reminder: You were made to change the world. So what would it feel like to see the impact you can make, and know you are making a difference--right here, right now? YOU: The Sting Operative is the essential guidebook for superheroes of all ages. As a ninja-next-door, you'll be equipped with 100 different Sting Ops Missions to make the world a better place starting today--with little to no cost, and right from your own neighborhive! Join the Sting Ops Underground to ''bee the change you wish to see'' and spread the sunshine one mission at a time. 100 percent of the proceeds from this book benefit police officers, firefighters, veterans, and their families. Visit to join the Sting Ops Underground for more resources to help you GO M.A.D. (Make A Difference).
