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Daniel Younger
Author, Service Provider
Zen and the Art of Cannibalism: A Zomedy

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

When a harebrained scheme to swipe forty pounds of pot from Russian mobsters goes awry, the Wizard thinks he's got problems. But when a giant evil talking dog shows up and starts raising the dead, things get a little more complicated. As the end grows nigh, it's up to Wiz and his ragtag cohorts (along with a binge-drinking voodoo god) to fend off the hungry horde. Will they make it? Or will everything go up in smoke? A hilarious, gut-busting, skull-crunching homage to B-movies everywhere. Funnier than The Illyad... Scarier than Brokeback Mountain... Dumber than Breakfast of Champions... Significantly shorter than Dune... It's Zen and the Art of Cannibalism.
Younger (Delirious) turns the smalltown horror story on its head in this madcap “zomedy” set in Oak Falls, Calif., during a rare Cerulean Moon. That’s when the bonds that bind the underworld are at their slipperiest, allowing Seth, an ancient hellhound, to sneak through. Seth begins resurrecting the dead as shock troops while plotting to open the cosmic portal to the underworld that the town is perched on. Meanwhile, the oblivious townspeople go about their usual shenanigans: Wizard Kowalski, a stoner drug-runner, is chased by a Russian mobster angry about a bungled delivery, while Ava Elridge, the local cafe owner, plays an unexpectedly important role in the unfolding cosmic comedy. The novel’s plot zings along with Rube Goldberg precision that becomes increasingly antic as the locals gradually wake up to the weirdness. Though the tale goes on a little too long, Younger finds great comic grist in the stuff that screams are made of. (BookLife)
