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Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9798328451383 B0D8GC3LV5
  • 117 pages
  • $5.99
Paperback Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9798328451383 B0D8GT9PK2
  • 117 pages
  • $8.99
Mona Leung
The Adventures of Princess Ramele and Prince Peter, Vol. 2
Mona Leung, author

Step into the magical world of Porqueh, where land and sea intertwine in an  epic tale of bravery, friendship, and heartwarming adventures.

Princess Ramele and Prince Peter, alongside their trusted companions, embark on a perilous journey to save a young sea dragon. As they navigate through enchanting forests, mysterious volcanoes, and treacherous oceans, they encounter merpeople, dolphins, and ancient sea dragons, each offering help and adding to the rich tapestry of their adventure. 

Join Princess Ramele and Prince Peter as they prove that even the smallest actions can create waves of change, resonating through kingdoms and realms both above and below the sea. Dive into this captivating tale and let your imagination soar!

Leung continues the Adventures of Princess Ramele and Prince Peter series in this enchanting second adventure, which finds the heroes embarking on an underwater quest with wizards, knights, fairies, and merpeople. When the young sea dragon Ryoya and his sister, Hoshiko, are poisoned by polluted sea water, their mother's rage over her children's brush with death stirs a cataclysmic tsunami around the land of Porqueh. With the aid of the wizard, Mervyn, and the newest merguide, Clarissa, Ramele and Peter are tasked with finding the ingredients to a magical recipe that will heal both the sea dragons, Ryoya and Hoshiko. But how to obtain such fantastical items as a song from a dolphin, a snippet of a rain cloud, and a drop of hot lava from an active volcano?

As that quest suggests, Leung writes imaginative, playful fantasy that emphasizes clever character and even some educational elements—readers will pick up knowledge about volcanoes and ocean life. As the young royals plunge into an aquatic world of supernatural creatures, Leung employs a fluctuating timeline to explore the perspectives of all the main players, building tension and mystery as everyone tries to piece together what is causing the volatile disturbance in the sea. The world building and character development is magical, and young readers will enjoy how each character has a unique strength that pushes the plot forward in imaginative ways. Also inviting: the crisp, brisk, prose and chapter-heading images reminiscent of stained glass.

Through friendship and heroic rescues, this adventure tackles environmental issues and the importance of diversity and working together as a community, all without slowing narrative momentum. These resonant themes, in Leung’s deft hands, are like buried gems, waiting to be discovered—what stands out most, here, is the author and characters’ love of storytelling itself. This will delight fans of friendly fantasy fun with magic and an ensemble cast of supernatural beings.

Takeaway: Fun, fantastical adventure filled with mermaids, fairies, and sea dragons.

Comparable Titles: Clare Harlow's Tide Magic, A.M. Luzzader’s A Mermaid in Middle Grade.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9798328451383 B0D8GC3LV5
  • 117 pages
  • $5.99
Paperback Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9798328451383 B0D8GT9PK2
  • 117 pages
  • $8.99
