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Ebook Details
  • 05/2024
  • 978-1-7378472-5-0 B0D5HWLRFR
  • 460 pages
  • $8.99
Paperback Details
  • 05/2024
  • 978-1-7378472-4-3
  • 478 pages
  • $19.99
Hardcover Details
  • 05/2024
  • 978-1-7378472-3-6
  • 478 pages
  • $25.99
Dan Bowden
Vigilante Priest
Vigilante Priest, while ominous and heavy, is written with a bit of comedic relief. It confronts moral issues, and offers, ultimately, a vision of enlightened reform. The book is led by two protagonists. Father Tony and Detective Eddie Rodriguez. Father Tony, a once-popular New York priest and a member of a family connected to the mob, was falsely accused of abusing a student. He is torn by his secret knowledge and troubled by what is right or wrong and if the end really does justify the means. And Detective Eddie Rodriguez, a gay Latino cop, with a comically large chip on his shoulder and an internal affairs investigation on his back. He is on a bad-luck bender through much of the novel. He is a likable, comical antihero with dubious instincts, who engenders admiration.
Fully living up to its title, Gallagher and Bowden’s swaggering thriller debut centers on Father Tony, a priest whose tangled past has brought him to the Vatican—but also to the conviction that he had been “a coward” about facing sexual abuse within the church. With the support of an ailing billionaire, Father Tony returns to New York with a list of “problem priests” whose crimes had been covered up. Also supporting the cause: the “connected” family, the Centenos, who inevitably will go further than Father Tony prefers. When a Bronx priest vanishes, the case falls to hothead Eddie Rodriguez, a Fort Apache detective busted down to Missing Persons after a reckless shooting.

Mostly told from Eddie’s heated perspective, this sprawling thriller captures the mind, mouth, and world of an aggrieved cop who gets that the IA officer assigned to him blames “systemic racism and toxic masculinity for breeding scumbags like me.” When a second priest goes missing, and a flinty federal agent starts poking around with next-level brusqueness, Rodriguez will find his assumptions about everything challenged, especially once he learns that Centenos and the NYPD may be trying to hush something up. One surprise, expressed in a sharp narrative voice that playfully tweaks pulp-fiction masculinity: that the FBI’s Special Agent Murray has “the kind of body a navy-blue pantsuit couldn’t ruin.”

That line’s clipped power and comic edge exemplify the authors’ prose, which pulses memorably as Vigilante Priest digs into a tricky investigation that will wreak havoc within the department and on Eddie’s own life—the suspense comes from the lengths the powerful will go to shut Eddie down. Despite brisk, striking sentences, the plotting tends toward the baggy, the novel taking its time with an investigation where readers are ahead of the cops. Often, though, the authors use the extra length well, delving into character—like Eddie’s family—and even welcome comedy. The scene where Agent Murray catches Eddie daydreaming about Chris Pine playing him in a movie is irresistible.

Takeaway: Epic procedural of a Bronx cop, missing priests, and organized vengeance.

Comparable Titles: Alex Kava’s A Necessary Evil, Jeff Spence’s The Priest Hunter.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: B+

Maureen C. Grix, Ph.D. Clinical Neuropsychologist/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

What is good?  What is evil?  Can good come from evil?  These are thought provoking questions that come up when reading this fascinating novel that is told with several interesting subplots that are filled with stark realism combined with dark humor and that ultimately ends with a much needed sense of hope. The authors raise these age-old questions using a unique moral twist that provides the reader with a great deal to think about once the final page is read - a highly recommended read for anyone who ponders the mysteries of life. 

Ebook Details
  • 05/2024
  • 978-1-7378472-5-0 B0D5HWLRFR
  • 460 pages
  • $8.99
Paperback Details
  • 05/2024
  • 978-1-7378472-4-3
  • 478 pages
  • $19.99
Hardcover Details
  • 05/2024
  • 978-1-7378472-3-6
  • 478 pages
  • $25.99
