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Katie McCarty
Infinite Miracles
Katie McCarty, a first-time mom at age thirty-seven, was ready, excited, and determined to perfectly balance her career and motherhood. When she learned about her son’s rare fetal diagnosis of an omphalocele – a condition in which his intestines and liver grew outside his body – she was stunned. Katie entered the Stages of Grief Club and surrendered expectations of the perfect motherhood and perfect child. Little did she know that her personal transformation had just begun.
McCarty’s emotionally engaging debut recounts her story as a first-time mom receiving the life-changing news that her unborn son had a condition called omphalocele, a disorder “in which a baby's organs grow outside of its body.” Starting at the 20th week of her pregnancy, McCarty highlights the harrowing journey of Timothy’s first months in the NICU—and the multiple complications he suffered from endless treatments and surgeries. This heartrending story is a transparent portrait of a life with a “medically fragile baby,” a potent reminder that “everyday moments [can become] infinite miracles.”

As McCarty navigates not only being a first-time parent, but also the myriad medical treatments her son must endure, she’s forced to cope with the well-wishers—or “optimism bullies” as she terms them—and others, who “rel[y] on platitudes and clichés” to make sense of her situation. She acknowledges ways to help as well, encouraging readers to be better listeners and, when all else fails, “if someone is going through a difficult time, give them a small gift” to help ease the pain. McCarty’s advice is a direct line of hope to other parents treading NICU waters, as she offers insight on tapping into God, faith, and prayer for support, while allowing grace when things take a turn for the worse.

This triumphant story of enduring, adapting, and keeping the faith will resonate with any parent, but is particularly meaningful for those whose children have serious medical conditions. In a nod to the exhaustion and time deficits that accompany NICU life, McCarty includes a summary of her main points, along with reference pages, at the end. Her raw honesty is refreshing, and the snapshots of day-to-day living in the NICU invaluable. Readers will immediately connect with this inspiring anthem of a woman who was “utterly broken for a long time… [but] God fixed me… and made me whole by His grace.”

Takeaway: Inspiring memoir that serves as a valuable resource for NICU parents.

Comparable Titles: Sarah DiGregorio's Early, Jennifer Degl's From Hope to Joy.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

