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Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 979-8322482574 B0D5VNZ3FZ
  • 340 pages
  • $5.99
Seth W. James
A Desperate Measure

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

In A Desperate Measure, book 2 of The Cain Series, several months have passed since Cain and Francesca took down the fascist cabal of billionaire Dietrich Stinnes. Riding the wave of celebrity that her victory had inspired, Francesca stepped down as the Mayor of Venice to join the newly-formed European Seawall Foundation, to shepherd the project she had fought so hard to create, with Cain at her side as her Chief of Security. What should have been a blissfully dull—though vitally important—assignment soon became as dangerous as any period in their lives, when off-world corporation Black Horizons, Inc. infiltrated the ESF, intent upon diverting a portion of the foundation’s staggering budget to their bottom line—by any means necessary. Cain must soon return to his roots in corporate crime, to counteract BHI’s attempts to neutralize Francesca. From circumventing the surveillance-state AI, to battling mercenaries on the streets of Brussels, to hunting corrupt cops through a deserter colony on the Latvian coast, Cain struggles to intercept each new—and increasingly aggressive—threat. BHI, however, have nothing to lose through violent escalation: they are a sovereign corporation, their orbiting headquarters placing them not only above Earth, but above its laws, as well. Faced with the crippling effect that BHI’s extortion would have on the seawall project—and with the hundreds of millions who would suffer famine without the new farmlands it would create— Francesca must decide if times have grown desperate enough for a desperate measure.
Gun for hire Cain is back in this second installment in James’s action-packed Cain series, after Ethos of Cain, this time serving as the chief of security for Francesca Pieralisi, the newly appointed Director of Implementation for the European Seawall Foundation. As Francesca's protector—and lover—Cain tracks down threat after escalating threat as a high powered, above-the-law corporation named Black Horizon, Inc infiltrates the seawall committee for their own interests. Cain—highly skilled, dangerous, and intelligent—thwarts a creepy stalker, planted slander attacks, and crooked cops, all to help Francesca accomplish her dream of building the European seawall.

As the odds stack up against her, Francesca must decide if she is willing to play as dirty as her adversaries for the greater good. James liberally probes that theme, blurring the lines between right and wrong as morally gray characters abound—several of whom readers will find themselves cheering on, as they’re forced into unconventional methods to combat the story’s rampant corruption. James adds in Altered Reality sunglasses, multiple AI programs (such as Ledger, a forensic accounting AI, and surveillance AI Serval), and off-world laws to make this sci-fi thriller a serious exercise in imagination, juxtaposing criminal threats and violence throughout to create knife-edge tension.

Full of jaw-dropping plot twists and high-octane action, A Desperate Measure is a riveting adventure that explores a futuristic world swarming with visionary technology—and a new set of rules, formulated after growing climate change crises force several nations into emergency mode. Cain and Francesca can trust only each other as they desperately work to prevent global destruction, and James keeps their romance—and the novel’s multiple plot lines—moving at a clip that matches the frenetic pace of the world’s downfall. These sarcastic, gritty heroes are a perfect fit and will leave readers eager for more.

Takeaway: High-octane thriller seasoned with corruption, futuristic tech, and knife-edge tension.

Comparable Titles: Bethany Jacobs's These Burning Stars, Nicholas Sansbury Smith's Galaxy in Flames series.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 979-8322482574 B0D5VNZ3FZ
  • 340 pages
  • $5.99
