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Ebook Details
  • 09/2024
  • 978-1-962600-02-6 B0D4FTVZJT
  • 367 pages
  • $4.99
C.T. Clark
The Phoenix Elite: Sacred Blood
C.T. Clark, author

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Adam Eberhardt has always felt different, but he never would’ve guessed he was a clone of Albert Einstein. Science geeks don't usually live inside the body of a hulk. A brain that never shuts off can be a blessing or a curse, but Adam hasn’t felt many blessings during his sleepless nights, regular victims of his severe anxiety disorder. Weaving through harrowing childhood memories, science research, and self-doubt, he most enjoys spending his mind power thinking about his wunderkind fellow student, Margot. . .who remains oblivious to his interest. The serial abduction of nuclear scientists, including Margot, triggers a cascade of action that reveals things are not what they have seemed. Military officials dispatch to all corners of the globe to pick up individuals with an unusual gray marking on their wrist. Adam joins a group of seven young adults in a top-secret training facility where they learn a shocking fact: each one is an enhanced clone of a famous historical figure. They were created by the Phoenix Elite Initiative under the watch of scientist Emmanuel Kebe. Kebe has been popping in and out of their lives since their earliest memories, spending decades developing their natural abilities and training them from a distance, all in preparation for a time of global crisis. And that time of crisis has arrived.
Featuring clones of historical figures working together to stop a world-ending event, Clark’s witty and sharp debut entertains with its intricate plot and endearing characters. Twenty-one years ago, crotchety American James Bricker and optimistic Liberian Emmanuel Kebe were geneticists on a defunct United Nations Security Council cloning project called the Phoenix Elite Initiative, until Bricker shot Kebe and stole DNA samples. Kebe survived to continue the project in secret, raising and training seven young people scattered around the world. Today, the seven are brought together for the first time to learn their true identities: anxiety ridden Adam Eberhardt is Albert Einstein, unkempt American tech nerd Brandon Freeman is Benjamin Franklin, arrogant South African scion Nigel Dillon is Nelson Mandela, and so on. Other cloned personages include Che Guevara, Joan of Arc, Genghis Khan, and the Egyptian queen Hatshepsut.

Clark's audacious, compelling story ratchets up the tension when the clones learn that Bricker has founded the terrorist group Allied Rebel Koalition (ARK) to destroy mankind with a nuclear holocaust and replace it with genetically engineered super humans. With jibes, humor, and hard-earned trust, the clones begin physical training, learning to work together and acquiring cool equipment like bulletproof under armor, iGlass contact lenses, and a plasma bazooka. But when ARK infiltrates the facility in a show of deadly force, the clones are on their own, facing a desperate mission to Rome. Adam hopes that he will cross paths with his unrequited love, the nuclear genius Margot Czarnecki, who was among the nuclear energy scientists Bricker has been kidnapping.

Briskly told, with crisp action, ever-escalating stakes, and memorable dialogue (“Hey, Einstein, you know how to drive stick, right?”) from a diverse and surprising cast, the globe-hopping adventure, espionage, science, and twists keep readers’ attention as this diverse group of some of the greatest minds in history join the fight for humanity’s future.

Takeaway: Clones of history’s greatest thinkers race to save the world from nuclear devastation.

Comparable Titles: Steven L. Kent’s Rogue Clone, Michael Marshall Smith’s Spares.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Ebook Details
  • 09/2024
  • 978-1-962600-02-6 B0D4FTVZJT
  • 367 pages
  • $4.99
