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Ebook Details
  • 03/2024
  • 202 pages
  • $1.99
Paperback Details
  • 03/2024
  • 1956470913
  • 200 pages
  • $12.99
Audio Details
  • 03/2024
  • B0D3J9WC4R
  • 200 pages
  • $14.95
Hardcover Details
  • 03/2024
  • 1956470999
  • 200 pages
  • $19.99
Common Wisdom: 8 Scientific Elements of a Meaningful Life

The new “Common Wisdom: 8 Scientific Elements of a Meaningful Life” (Redwood Publishing, March 2024) is an easy-to-read book that unveils the discoveries of The Wisdom Research Project, a fascinating journey led by Dr. Laura Gabayan to explore the timeless question: What is Wisdom?  Drawing upon her research and medical expertise, Dr. Gabayan created The Wisdom Research Project, which involved interviewing 60 “wise” individuals across North America (ages 50-79) over a 7-month period.  As a result of these interviews, Dr. Gabayan was able to scientifically define wisdom as 8 intertwined elements that are summarized in "Common Wisdom":  Resilience, Kindness, Positivity, Spirituality, Humility, Tolerance, Creativity, and Curiosity. Each interviewee had at least 2 elements, most had 5, and only one person out of the 60 exhibited all 8 qualities.

Physician and researcher Gabayan shares her journey creating The Wisdom Research Project, born out of her experiences navigating her own physical health issues, in this intuitive debut. Hoping to “understand wisdom from a scientific perspective,” she interviews 60 adults, probing their values, advice for younger generations, coping skills for the rough patches in life, and more, teasing out eight common elements—resilience, kindness, positivity, spirituality, humility, tolerance, creativity, and curiosity—that relate to wisdom. Those elements, Gabayan asserts, will help guide readers in developing their own wisdom, “to build a stronger, more supportive society and connection with one another.”

Beyond Gabayan’s scientific-based research, this guide offers readers several opportunities for personal reflection, in the form of journaling prompts and interactive questions, that drive home the advice Gabayan gleaned from each interview. Her interviewees are an eclectic group—ranging from scientists to ministers to authors—with dynamic pointers that cover an array of topics, including the need to understand others’ perspectives when resolving conflict, how tolerance can enhance self-esteem, and why “creativity is essential to our growth as a people.” Also important, writes Gabayan, is the skill of playfulness in the face of life’s difficulties: “have a sense of humor about yourself as much as possible. Doing this will lighten any mood” she encourages.

Gabayan consistently returns to her eight wisdom elements throughout the guide, with accessible language that makes the counsel easy to follow. She closes by revisiting her initial quest to define wisdom, identifying her emerging elements of wisdom as universal (“incorporating them will enrich your life in ways you might not even have imagined. They will give your life more meaning and a greater purpose” she writes), while still urging individuality and balance when mastering them. Above all, she reminds readers that the “search for wisdom is just the beginning of a journey to a better life.”

Takeaway: Researcher defines wisdom through a scientific lens.

Comparable Titles: Paul Roden’s 5,000 Years of Wisdom, Ervin Laszlo’s The Wisdom Principles.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Physician and Researcher Dr. Laura Gabayan Announces Results of The Wisdom Resea

To help others find peace and happiness, Physician and Scientist Dr. Laura Gabayan (aka “Dr. G.”) [PS1] announces that the eye-opening results of her new study, The Wisdom Research Project, are now available in her new easy-to-read book: “Common Wisdom: 8 Scientific Elements of a Meaningful Life” (Redwood Publishing, March 2024). Many readers say this book includes relatable stories, and has profoundly changed their life with new insights and thoughts. 


Ebook Details
  • 03/2024
  • 202 pages
  • $1.99
Paperback Details
  • 03/2024
  • 1956470913
  • 200 pages
  • $12.99
Audio Details
  • 03/2024
  • B0D3J9WC4R
  • 200 pages
  • $14.95
Hardcover Details
  • 03/2024
  • 1956470999
  • 200 pages
  • $19.99
