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J.C. Warren
Life After
J.C. Warren, author
The world didn't listen in the before. Now those left in the world are trying to survive the after. And the after is all Winona has ever known. After her parents passed away in a horrific wildfire, she has had to learn to survive on her own. And she's been doing just that in the decade since that fateful day, but when she happens upon a malnourished boy, she decides to take a chance. In exchange for helping with the tasks she can't complete, Winona agrees to share what little resources she has with Jeremy. But just as she begins to warm to him and they settle into a comfortable existence, tragedy strikes once again. Mia and Diego have been by one another's side since the before. After spending years warning the world about what was to come, Diego has given up. Once a world-renowned scientist, he is now an alcoholic trying to get by as Mia refuses to give up on him. There are others, but not many, in the after: siblings bound together by a secret, a couple shrouded in lies just trying to get by, and a person lost to the forest who doesn't know what they are missing. Is continued survival in the after possible? Can the survivors, and the earth, heal from their traumas?
In Warren’s harrowing young adult debut, coastal flooding and ravaging wildfires have left much of the United States uninhabitable. Diego Rivera, the renowned scientist who desperately tried to warn others of impending climate change consequences, now lives with his assistant, Mia, and subsists on alcohol, grieving over the world’s destruction and economic collapse while cheating death one day at a time. Meanwhile, siblings Dee and Rowan leave New York when food becomes scarce and their parents are dead, and 17-year-old Winona struggles on her own in what used to be Seattle—until Jeremy arrives and changes her life forever.

Warren’s world is a stark, unflinching portrait of the costs that come with ignoring climate change. As the three groups make their way to Denver, Colorado—one of the last viable places to live on Earth—Warren paints a planet rife with harsh conditions: natural food is almost non-existent, animal scavengers are deadly, and viruses have decimated populations. Readers grasp the events leading up to the world’s destruction through the stories Warren’s characters share with each other—and the knowledge they glean from history books—while experiencing firsthand their fight to survive the choices made by humans in “the before.”

Though the story holds eerily similar parallels to contemporary times, Warren ensures a glimmer of promise in the bonds made between her characters, the resilience of the few who survive, and their commitment to living in a safer, more natural world. As the groups start over from scratch, the novel reaches a precarious balance of struggle and optimism, with sprinkles of romance and new beginnings buoying up the bleakness of this new world. The terrain is vicious, and the stakes deadly, but Warren’s characters—an appealing jumble of hardened yet vulnerable survivors—will leave readers with flickers of hope for our own future.

Takeaway: Realistic but hopeful adventure of starting over after climate destruction.

Comparable Titles: Sarah Crossan’s Breathe, Neil Schusterman’s Dry.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

