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Ebook Details
  • 08/2024
  • 979-8-9904328-1-9
  • 93 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2024
  • 979-8-9904328-0-2
  • 122 pages
  • $12.95
Paula Price
The Quest for Happiness
Paula Price, author

Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)

You can choose happiness daily no matter what your circumstances are. Go on the journey to find it through things like healing, self-love, outlook, daily gratitude, choices and purpose. We may not be taught these subjects in school but it is up to us to continue to teach ourselves with love and compassion. By doing things like writing thank you notes, journaling, getting out in nature, meditating, creating things we love, and more; we are offered many ideas to encourage a positive change within us. Each chapter's ending poem sparks a perfect summation of content as well as encouraging creativity. This book will take you on the quest to find and choose your best possible plan for lifelong happiness.
“We are taught that miracles do not exist,” Los Angeles native and self-help author Price writes, but rather than accept life as miracle-less, Price urges readers to “pretend that they do and see what happens.” This playful morsel of wisdom is one of many in Price’s debut that seeks to demystify human happiness and offer readers an admittedly haphazard, yet practical, set of ideas, goals, methods, and experiments that the author believes can help readers “create every feeling that we feel.” Happiness is not a consequence of luck, according to Price, but a conscious choice that people can make regardless of their circumstances.

Price claims the key to making that choice is to “stop blaming others [...] for our place in life,” and instead take responsibility for emotions and feelings, even though people are socialized to shift blame from the self to others. Unlearning blame-shifting behavior is difficult, Price acknowledges, and she offers myriad suggestions throughout her debut to help people make a fresh start, like engaging with nature, meditation, mindfulness, art, volunteering, and more. Following each chapter, the author includes journaling prompts, questionnaires, and thought experiments, along with a brief poem, to engage readers with her subject matter via multiple mediums.

Self-help readers may find Price’s ideas to be familiar, but the author’s ultimate goal with her book is to remind people that “you are a beautiful human full of the capability to love and be loved,” which is a noble quest. In its current state, Price’s self-help guide isn’t easily readable given that it is unproofed, but for those looking for an interactive, quick read full of actionable ideas for an improved quality of life, The Quest for Happiness delivers just that with compassionate encouragement.

Takeaway: Inviting self-help guide offering ideas on choosing happiness.

Comparable Titles: Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, Russ Harris’s The Happiness Trap.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: B+
Marketing copy: A


I’ve read several self-help and inspirational books before. Sometimes, one feels like they’re hearing the same thing over and over. But Price’s book rings true and breathes a fresh breath of inspiration for the reader. I enjoyed the specific advice she gives and the inspirational poems that bookend each chapter. Easy, quick read with lasting impact. -Tessa Markle



    Ebook Details
    • 08/2024
    • 979-8-9904328-1-9
    • 93 pages
    • $2.99
    Paperback Details
    • 08/2024
    • 979-8-9904328-0-2
    • 122 pages
    • $12.95
