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May 19, 2023



A BookLife Review is a respectful, knowledgeable, detailed review that includes information designed to help in the marketing of a book–including a capsule review, pull quote, comp titles, and more–all crafted by a professional Publishers Weekly reviewer who’s an expert in the book's genre or field. 

Here is an example of a BookLife Review.

The Advantage for Indie Publishers

A BookLife Review guarantees a review by a Publishers Weekly reviewer. You'll have the option to approve your BookLife Review, and if you do, your review is syndicated to data services and e-retailers like Ingram, Bowker, Proquest, Baker & Taylor, EBSCO, Amazon and Barnes & Noble. In other words a BookLife Review provides a review by a trusted third-party that can be added to a book's meta data. Plus, if you approve it, your BookLife Review runs in Publishers Weekly.

Here's How It Works

First you go to the PW's GalleyTracker site and submit the title to be reviewed.*** The cost is $399 ($499 for books over 100,000 words).

In six weeks (four weeks if you pay a $150 expedite fee) you receive via email a copy of your review.

If you approve your review:

  • it gets syndicated to the data services and e-retailers
  • it runs in an upcoming issue of Publishers Weekly
  • it becomes available on

Appearance in Publishers Weekly

If you approve your BookLife Review, it will run in an upcoming issue of Publishers Weekly.  (We tell you the date of that issue when you approve your review. You can also order extra copies at that time.)  BookLife Reviews run in the BookLife section of Publishers Weekly. Your BookLife Review will run along with those from other independent publishers and author publishers.

Appearance Online

If you approve your BookLife Review, a version of the individual review becomes available on Here's an example of what that looks like. BookLife Reviews do not appear on

More Information

Check out the BookLife Reviews FAQ and our BookLife Reviews Terms & Conditions.

*** Using GalleyTracker to purchase a BookLife Review means a BookLife account for you or your author will not be created.



