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March 21, 2024
You've got a great BookLife Review, so make the most of it.



A BookLife Review Promotional Video is an affordable way to make a custom video optimized for social media using quotes from your BookLife Review.  The video is optimized for both social media posting and social media advertising.

Here's an example

It's easy to try it out

It costs nothing to create videos of your BookLife Review.

Access the tool to create a BookLife Promotional Video on the project page of your BookLIfe Reviewed book: click on the blue button below the BookLIfe Review publish date that says, "Create a Promotional Video for Your Review." 

Click here for detailed instructions.


A BookLife Review Promotional Video features the cover of the reviewed book presented with three quotes chosen by the author from the book's BookLife Review. The author also chooses key diesign elements in the video as well as the action button that links to a web address plus a musical clip that accompnies the video.


Within one week of an author ordering a BookLife Review Promotional Video, the author will receive email with links to download MP4 versions of the video you created in all three aspect ratios.

At the time of the delivery, if the author has also paid for marketing services related to the video, those services will commence.

There are two different marketing service packages. The cheaper of these pacakges will run for two to three weeks; the more expensive will run for three to four weeks. 

When the marketing service packages are complete, the author will receive an email with a link to the results of the campaign. At that time the author can decide whether or not to renew or continue their campaign, with or without a new video.


It's free to create as many videos as you would like; you pay only if you want to keep a copy of the video you created. You can also ordering an advertising campaign to promote the video you have created.

Video Only

  • $197 - this includes the video in three different aspect ratios in MP4 format.

Video and Marketing Services

  • $697 - Viewer Boost Campaign - reaches 25,000 or more potential buyers as part of one target audience. 
  • $1,097 - Supercharged Viewer Boost Campaign - reaches 50,000 or more potential buyers as part of two or three unique target audiences. 
  • The number of people who see the ad is variable based on the interaction with your ad. However, we guarantee the base viewership.


Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about BookLife Review Promotional Videos. And click here for complete information about BookLife Review Promotional Videos.


