Malini Chaudhri
Author, Illustrator, Service Provider | Delhi. India |
The author is ranking expert with statutes and global licenses from premier organizations as ISTE and WHO(China). She manages a Start Up dedicated to knowledge and skillls development in alternative medicine.
She develops her knowledge center with technical listings, library networks, cataloguing and research groups for a global read.... more
The author is ranking expert with statutes and global licenses from premier organizations as ISTE and WHO(China). She manages a Start Up dedicated to knowledge and skillls development in alternative medicine.
She develops her knowledge center with technical listings, library networks, cataloguing and research groups for a global readership.
The author develops interactive blogs to supplement her books and profession, for benefit of the authors community. She also researches updates on secure technology for development based on ecosystems.
The author is a senior international Spa and CAM professional.. She is an approved technical writer from ISTE to deliver skills training in the Spa and Wellness sector. She managed the successful verification of the HABIA international qualification of UK Ministry(Crown) in cosmetology, spa, beauty and massage for SAARC region. She has worked with palaces to develop a chain of spas as Director Operations and Director Technical. She has also consulted for celebrity spas and internationally renowned centers of alterative therapy.