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Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2016
  • 9781530814183 1530814189
  • 226 pages
  • $42
Malini Chaudhri
Author, Illustrator, Service Provider
Shiatsu. Skills development: Spa therapies framework

Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion

Shiatsu is a world class heritage science fundamental to mental, emotional and spiritual wellness based on a Japanese legacy. The principles of centering and harnessing of human energy for healing or self development is beautifully conveyed in the book. This book is developed for a Shiatsu course based on global Occupational Standards with technical structure. It preserves the essence of the classics originating from China and adapting in Japan. The processes of Zen and internalization for empowered healing are illustrated and discussed. The book manages to convey the essence of this magnificent healing art and enhancing the inner awareness and guide in therapists that apply Ki energy. It quotes from Classics and celebrated experts to establish a synchronization of the energy matrix in full potential. It shows the stages of discovery of the therapeutic range from beginner to advanced level. This book provides great support for therapists and Zen study aids, conveying through language and classical imagery the spirit of the universal essence. Added features include: * A standardized competency guide and simplified chapters to match. *Ethical workplace standards and client handling protocols. * Discussions from original sacred scriptures of the relationship between emotions and channel energy, and corrective techniques, * Plan of Care through assembling of data and technical process involving consultation, application and aftercare. *Charts to show techniques and hand movements across channels. This book manages to maintain the subtle beauty of the ancient traditions of the East engaged in everlasting health.
Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2016
  • 9781530814183 1530814189
  • 226 pages
  • $42
