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Jeffery Dow
Author, Illustrator
Authentically Preternatural Accounts
Jeffery Dow, author
There are 27 different offerings in this anthology of short fictions. They range from the weird to the macabre to the humorous, and include a one act play, an entire magazine and a graphic short story. What new television shows can we expect? Check out the Memorandum to Programming. What’s the significance of myths in society? Check out the Collected Lectures of J. Robert Fishbinder. Does POTUS have superpowers? Check out Joe Biden vs. the Chalupacabro. Other entries will make you wonder about what’s beyond death, whether demons might not be what we think they are, what the connection is between shirts and spaghetti sauce, and if we should ever ride in another taxi cab. Authentically Preternatural Accounts is a great read for anyone looking for the offbeat, the unusual, and the unexpected—and even several interstellar cats.
