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Hardcover Book Details
  • 08/2023
  • 9798988838012
  • 46 pages
  • $26.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2023
  • 9798988838005
  • 46 pages
  • $15.99
Cindy and Gus Gee
Author, Illustrator
Boar: Book 1
Based on a true story. A couple shopping at a pet store spot a stuffed chew toy, a Boar. The toy is brought home to their dog where they soon realize that Boar is not only alive but is able to talk! Boar has the family she has always wanted in this first adorable children's book of five.
Hardcover Book Details
  • 08/2023
  • 9798988838012
  • 46 pages
  • $26.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2023
  • 9798988838005
  • 46 pages
  • $15.99
