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Ebook Details
  • 02/2022
  • 979-8-9853295-0-6
  • 357 pages
  • $9.99
Carol Louise Standley
Author, Illustrator
Candlewood: A Wizard's Heritage

Young Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

“Gaylen sat with his back against a large moss-covered boulder, unaware that piercing blue eyes spied on him from Candlewood.”

Gaylen, a farm boy, grew up next to Candlewood Forest. Conflicting tales about the forest fueled Gaylen's imagination. He'd heard it was the home of wizards, elves, and many other miraculous inhabitants. Dark tales claimed ogres and fiercer creatures lusted after the mere taste of human blood. He discovers he is a wizard, born in Candlewood Forest, and expected to help save the forest from an evil wizardess, Murchesla Crona. Overjoyed to enter the forest and learn its secrets, he is determined to prove himself worthy of being a wizard.

When he learns his blind grandmother, Vasalia, is kidnapped by Kemal, son of Murchesla Crona, and is on a ship bound for Drakonia, he takes matters into his own hands, defies his wizard grandfather, Tugall, and decides he must rescue her. He uses his new magical abilities to summon a dragon, and along with a capricious firesprite named Emar, he flies to Drakonia and faces his destiny.

Gaylen has epic dangerous adventures, meets firesprites, dwarves, and elves; and falls in love with the Truthsayer of Indura.

Ebook Details
  • 02/2022
  • 979-8-9853295-0-6
  • 357 pages
  • $9.99
