Counting Petals: Using Flowers of Hawai'i
Nancy C. Whitman, author
Counting Petals uses the counting format to introduce the lovely flowers of Hawaii and to practice counting. The photographs were snapped with a digital camera while walking in the neighborhoods, parks, school grounds and botanical gardens in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Counting is a forerunner in the learning of basic mathematics. Counting involves being able to match objects. In this book it is the matching of numerals in a given sequence to the petals of a flower. It also involves
representing sets of objects by numerals. Children should be encouraged to count when an opportunity presents itself.
U.S. Review of Books :Joyce Jacobo
"This book introduces children to flowers found throughout the Hawaiianislands. Great emphasis is put on grouping flowers based on their similarities to aid in conducting further research into each specimen, including the use ofsymmetry. A glossary at the back discusses each flower shown in the guide, followed by examples of counting to ten in Hawaiian and other languages. Teaching children to categorize flowers based on the number of petals is a fun and easy way to encourage them to pay attention to these types of plants."