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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2019
  • 9781792320514
  • 80 pages
  • $12.00
Krista Esse
Author, Illustrator
dear plant killers: a guide on how to be a good plant parent
Krista Esse, author
you’re probably here because you have a hard time keeping plants alive. i’m here to tell you not to give up. plant care is not easy, but it’s absolutely worth it. it takes time, care, and research to keep every plant alive. it’s not always your fault if a plant dies... but most causes of death are avoidable. this book will help you understand the work it takes to keep a plant alive!

This book is the google maps a newbie plant owner has been looking for! It is a book you will not only enjoy to read for leisure, but will keep coming back to when needing guidance taking care of your plant babies. Plus, the illustrations included in the book are gorgina and make the book just as pleasing to look at. Do your plants a favor and get this book!

Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2019
  • 9781792320514
  • 80 pages
  • $12.00
