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BOOK FOUR OF THE FORLORN SERIES. After thousands of years imprisoned in the Abyss, the fallen angels known as the Watchers are on the loose. Jared Lorn and Grace Fortune want to do is get home to their family, but dark forces conspire against them, and soon they find themselves on a perilous journey to the Other Side, the spiritual realm. They must battle the Watcher Samyaza and his cohorts to escape, not knowing that the leader of the Watchers, Azazel, has taken control of the real world and subjugated all nations to his will. Soon they must join the few that are left standing against this worldwide evil, those that have not given in, known as the Forbidden.
D.R. Rosensteel, author of the Psi Fighter Academy Series

Gina Detwiler's latest in the Forlorn Series is literally End Times meets Present Day. After the events of Forgiven, the Abyss is blown open, the Watchers are freed, and Azazel wants his son, Jared Lorn. Jared takes on his father in a battle of will. And Grace faces off against a new world order, the United Earth...led by Azazel. He is Supreme Lord of the United Earth, with most of the world under his rule. Only Israel, Chinasia, and thirteen of the Divided States of America stand against him. The world is terrorized by a frightening plague, but the New Cure may be worse than the disease. Frighteningly familiar. 

All of this wrapped up in a powerful message of faith in God. In Grace Fortune's own words, "This Jesus is the only reason to live at all. I know this in the center of my soul." 

A must-read if ever one was written. Did I mention that the ending is a cliffhanger?

D.R. Rosensteel
Author of the Psi Fighter Academy Series

