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kimberly shursen
Faith Abbott's life ended abruptly. Now she's back with a vengeance to reclaim what is rightfully hers. "Shursen has done it again with yet another complicated plot with characters that pop to life." In the small farm community of Sheffield, Iowa six-year-old Miracle (Mira) Abbott says her new "bestest" friend's name is Faith. A cold chill races down Charlene Abbott's spine as Mira has never been told that her identical twin Faith died soon after she was born. Over the next few weeks, Mira becomes sullen and spiteful; her out-of-control anger directed at Charlie. When Mira tells her mother she is no longer Mira, but Faith and when there is no medical explanation for Mira's personality change, Charlie reaches out to renowned psychic Winston Fry, III. What Winston finds, however, is a terrifying phenomenon that he's never heard of or experienced in his decades of "crossing over." And when Winston becomes trapped in a magical world somewhere between heaven and hell, it's not only Mira who needs saving but Winston. What reviewers say: "A jaw-dropping page-turner!" "Miracle gives new meaning to the word THRILLER." "Once you think you have it all figured out, WOW, KEEP READING because it isn't over until the last page." "A chilling premise worthy of the X-Files."
