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Zandra Strother
More Than One Way

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Danforth Williams, a young black boy, saw his future in Guyana, B.W.I; a weekly journey to the Kaietuer Gold Mine with the crew from his village. He rejected it. 'Little Will' walked away from the mine into the path of Karl, an American of Dutch descent, who hoped to rehabilitate a defunct sugar cane plantation and create a new life. Will becomes a driving force at the plantation, but secrets of opium poppy fields and the death of an Amerindian bush girl, drive Karl back to America. Karl’s weak promise to send passage for Will is a lie, forcing Will to get to America on his own. Despite his amusing accent and foreign mannerisms, Will learns the way black men live in a big city. He takes odd jobs until he can buy his first apartments. Thoughts of his first love Enid are replaced by an arrangement with Renee and an entanglement with Arabella. Once he has learned to profit from 'white flight', he is on his way to building a real estate empire and he is ready to re-establish ties to his family in South America. Without intending to, he becomes the family patriarch by sponsoring his nephews to America. When his only niece, Maybelle, is finally allowed to come to the U.S., she changes Will's life yet again.

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