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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781539655503 1539655504
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Beverley Hopwood
No One Told: a novel
Adventures with Effie and new friends don't stop eleven-year-old Olive deGroote from asking what has happened to her mother and new sibling. Family remains close-lipped, but Grandma tries to keep Olive busy with everyday chores, Canadian Girls in Training, and the Second WW efforts. Though money is tight and her grandparents frugal, Olive never wants for much, except answers to questions. After a discovery in the attic, Olive develops a passion which leads her, in her early twenties, to Toronto from small town Ontario. Over the next two decades, Olive discovers amazing joys and heartbreaks about her family and herself. This young adult novel portrays a sensitive young girl struggling with fitting in and staying out of trouble, with having to choose what should remain secret and what needs to be told.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781539655503 1539655504
  • pages
  • $
