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No Such Thing as a Bad Kid

Adult; Political & Social Sciences; (Publish)

Written specifically for professionals who guide kids with emotional and behavioral challenges, this empowering handbook is packed with principles and techniques to help child-guiders tap the potential for greatness that exists in every young person. It opens by portraying misbehavior as a call for help; provides a wealth of insight into “decoding” those messages; and presents hands-on, neurologically sound tips for effectively revolutionizing adult interactions with highly vulnerable kids in a variety of settings. Included are hundreds of empathetic strength-based interventions, charts, and sample dialogues. Parents of children not at risk will also benefit from this book
Endorsements from back cover

"This book offers a compelling framework for navigating the research and practices required to help at-risk children and youth get back ‘on the rails.’” —Rick Miller, founder of Kids at Hope and author of Youth Development

“While current professional literature is awash with ‘strength-based’ platitudes, this book turns positive psychology rhetoric into reality.” —Larry K. Brendtro, PhD, Senior Training Consultant, CF Learning

“A must read for any educator, mental health professional, or educational administrator.” —Jessica Minahan, MEd, BCBA Coauthor of The Behavior Code and author of The Behavior Code Companion

“Research, concepts, strategies, and techniques for a new generation of educators and others seeking to better connect with today’s challenging youth.” —Richard D. Lavoie, MA, MEd, author of The Motivation Breakthrough and It's So Much Work to Be Your Friend

