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Jennifer Tipton
Off the Chart A Nurse's Journey of Heart and Humor

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

In the world of nursing, they say if it wasn't documented (charted), it wasn't done. In my book, Off the Chart A Nurse's Journey of Heart and Humor, I share those stories, you know, the ones you would never find in a nurse's notes, but rather in their hearts. After a nearly thirty-year career in nursing, I take the reader through my journey and share the personal stories of some remarkable individuals that touched my life. Along with a collection of patient stories, there is a chapter about pain management, the history of HIV, the COVID-19 pandemic and others before it, death and dying, morals and ethics, humor in healthcare, and much, much more. It will definitely make you laugh, but it will probably make you cry too... Although my book will certainly be appreciated by all those in the profession, it contains a lot of information that will be helpful to the nonmedical person as well. Therefore, I believe there is something for everyone from age eighteen to eighty-eight! My book is the perfect inspiration for nursing students and new grads. For those currently practicing, I hope it fuels the fire to continue, and for those that are retired, I hope it offers a wonderful reflection on years spent in the field of nursing. Not always easy, nursing is a noble profession that offers job satisfaction off the chart!
