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Heather Marie
Pickle Juice & Patty Cakes Space Adventure: A story about accepting diversity and differences in others

Picture Book; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Publish)

Join Peyton and her adventurous puppies, Pickle Juice and Patty Cakes on an extraordinary space adventure! One night, a hidden golden spaceship takes them from their garage to the stars, where they explore dazzling galaxies and meet friendly, unique creatures. On a vibrant faraway planet, Peyton and her pups discover a community of unique beings who teach them the importance of kindness, acceptance, and celebrating differences. The trio discovers the importance of kindness, acceptance, and celebrating differences, forming lasting bonds with their new friends. Returning home with hearts full of wisdom, they dream of future adventures, knowing another exciting adventure awaits. Discusion questions are included at the end of the story to provide an interactive learning experience.

