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Hardcover Book Details
  • 06/2017
  • 9780998943206
  • 84 pages
  • $36.00
Ebook Details
  • 06/2017
  • 978-0-9989432-1-3
  • 84 pages
  • $12.99
Ebook Details
  • 10/2017
  • 978-0-9989432-2-0
  • 84 pages
  • $9.99
Gabriele Golissa

Adult; Art & Photography; (Market)

An inspiring and informative voyage through the world above
German-born and now Montana-based fine art photographer Gabriele Golissa takes you on a journey through her skies. Enjoy wonderful photographs of skies in almost every color, learn where the colors of the skies come from, and look at interior design ideas and how a Skies by Gabriele Golissa™ photograph could look in your home. An ideal book for art lovers, fans of photography, and nature enthusiasts alike.
Fully bilingual (English/German)

Ein inspirierender und informativer Ausflug durch die Welt über uns
Die in Deutschland geborene und nun im US-Bundesstaat Montana lebende Kunstphotographin Gabriele Golissa nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise durch ihre Himmel. Betrachten Sie wundervolle Photographien von Himmeln in beinahe jeder Farbe, finden Sie heraus, woher die Farben des Himmels kommen und schauen Sie sich Wohnlandschaften an, die Ihnen zeigen, wie eine Skies by Gabriele Golissa™-Photographie in Ihrem Zuhause aussehen könnte. Das ideale Buch für Kunstenthusiasten, Fans der Photographie und Naturliebhaber.
Vollständig zweisprachig (Englisch/Deutsch)

International Photography Awards (IPA)

IPA Announces Winners of the 2017 Competition!
This year, the International Photography Awards received nearly 15,000 submissions from over 165 countries and is pleased to declare that Gabriele Golissa was awarded 3rd place in the Book - Monograph category for the winning entry "Skies/Himmel".

Midwest Book Review

“Comprised from cover to cover of wonderful photographs of skies in almost every color, ”Skies/Himmel” reveals where the colors of the skies come from. Of special note is how “Skies/Himmel” will inspire interior design ideas for the home or apartment. (…) A unique and original volume of inherently fascinating visuals, “Skies/Himmel” is very highly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Contemporary Photography collections.”

Hardcover Book Details
  • 06/2017
  • 9780998943206
  • 84 pages
  • $36.00
Ebook Details
  • 06/2017
  • 978-0-9989432-1-3
  • 84 pages
  • $12.99
Ebook Details
  • 10/2017
  • 978-0-9989432-2-0
  • 84 pages
  • $9.99
