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William Alan Webb
Author, Illustrator, Translator, Contributor
Standing In The Storm
Everyone else has fallen and there's an army on the way. Two women stand in defiance. Can they save the 7th Cav from annihilation? The Last Brigade sends out long-range reconnaissance patrols to begin Operation Overtime, its mission of rebuilding America. But in nearby Prescott, Arizona, a maniacal warlord holds thousands of Americans as slaves, planning to trade them for the fuel he needs. To the east lurks the strange religious cult named the Caliphate of the Seven Prayers of the New Prophet, which kills anyone who doesn't convert. And why is a Chinese military vehicle found to the north? With enemies on all sides, Nick Angriff risks everyone and everything to save the innocents he has sworn to protect. Outnumbered and outgunned, the 7th Cavalry will not be outfought. They must either stand in the storm or see their beloved country die a final death.
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 6 out of 10
Character/Execution: 6 out of 10
Overall: 6.50 out of 10


Plot: The plot is action-packed, with each battle fueling the engine of this complex and gripping post-apocalyptic drama. Despite being the second installment in a series, the book is easy to enjoy on its own merits.

Prose: The writing will appeal to fans of military fiction. The dialogue is authentic, and the prose leans heavily on action and visceral descriptions.

Originality: The book provides a unique vision of a post-apocalyptic America, and thoughtfully explores how the world mild evolve in America's absence.

Character Development: This book has a lot characters that are difficult to keep track of, many of which are fairly generic commando types with little character development beyond their military roles. However, for a book that can occasionally rely on stereotypes, the leaders of the caliphate are given surprising depth and complexity.

Date Submitted: August 16, 2017

