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Glenn Patron
The Accidental Captain
Glenn Patron, author
20 years of learning to sail by trial & terror Asthmatic, bookish and timid, young Glenn Patron spent his childhood dreaming of a life of adventure like the stories he read in the sanctuary of his bedroom in the suburbs of New York City. As an adult, bumbling along on the edge of failure, his life begins to change when he marries an adventurous saltwater lady. Rebuilding an abandoned 30’ sloop starts them on a 20 year journey of mishaps and triumphs that challenge his beliefs, goals and identity. Step aboard and experience white knuckle passages through reefs, stand-up comedy surrounded by nude models and dealing with his sinking sailboat in the North Atlantic.

"The Accidental Captain, is filled with travel, adventure and the many mishaps that inevitably occur when learning a skill by doing. I couldn't stop laughing as I saw the picture of him sitting and smiling dressed in full yachting apparel in his little Blue Jay as it sat in his backyard, and I knew right then that this would be an entertaining read."

Jack Magnus-

