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JK Kelly
JK Kelly, author
In THE BLOOD COMPASS Matt Christopher is forced to make choices most should never have to — not just who to help or who to kill, but who to prioritize when threats to life and liberty intensify thousands of miles apart. How invincible and engaged can one warrior be in the face of nonstop attacks on innocence and freedom? An impulsive Italian Prime Minister, a manipulative American president, a convent full of abused women, and an intelligent and intriguing Italian beauty from her country’s special forces — all urgently need Matt’s high-powered resources and skills, and keep this global troubleshooter racing from page to page in pursuit of the world’s most fiendish threats to democratic power and human decency. In the center of it all is the eleven-year-old nephew who evokes emotions in his uncle that challenge Matt’s life’s choices and course to the core.
