Plot: Nifora's The Fairmounts, the first in a historical romance series, dazzles with its depth of detail, intrigue, and masterful use of language.
Prose: Readers will be immediately transported to the 19th century through Nifora's descriptive, period-appropriate, and seemingly effortless prose.
Originality: In style, The Fairmounts is reminiscent of classic romantic tales. Nifora excels at capturing the era, while the storyline provides an alluring mystery element to keep readers hooked. While layered in description and full of characters with rich backstories, Nifora provides seamless storytelling throughout.
Character/Execution: The romance at the story's core is authentic and moving. Both Harry and Mary are finely developed protagonists, while additional characters provide texture and verisimilitude. Settings are equally well-established
Date Submitted: August 31, 2022
The Fairmounts receives 5-Stars from The Seattle Book Review
Local Greek-America writer, Valerie Nifora hit the Top 50 yesterday on Amazon Audible with her debut romance novel, The Fairmounts during its first five days of release.
Valerie Nifora publicly admits that she was, with little exception, a failure in her early school years. The “little exception” was her natural gift of storytelling, which led to her winning her third-grade class’ oral storytelling contest.
“Because stories connect us, I realized I wasn’t the outcast when I was telling stories.”