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Paperback Details
  • 978-0-578-07334-7
  • 220 pages
  • $14.95
Tommie Thomas
The Godfather CIA Protocol Codename-Extermination
NOVEL--- The Godfather- CIA Protocol- Code Name- Extermination \tThe CIA Director has lost his son in a bloody vendetta at the estate of Chicago's Godfather Victor Bartonelli and seeks vengeance and closure on his death. Godfather Victor Bartonelli has died but his second in command is still alive. The grieved Director takes action against him to get retribution and forms a terrorist group called the Death Slayers whose sole purpose is to get Travis. Travis is no ordinary Godfather but is highly educated with a Doctorate degree and owns a worldwide business enterprise that has assets in the trillions of dollars and is considered a Country in itself. He has his own strike force to counteract any threats or acts of aggression. By orders of Director Drake, Travis' wife is kidnapped and put up for sale on the human trafficking slave market and a ploy to get Travis in exchange for her freedom. \tAn agent of the Death Slayers (Last Chance) is contacted to quiet controversial talk about them. His first Mark is the Detroit Police Department who is after him for killing for killing Officer Jennifer Holiday. He poses as a wheelchair paraplegic and kills everyone inside. He is then sent to New York to quiet the talk of two of Travis' friends who are Delegates for Egypt and France. He kills them on a sidewalk cafe and the uses a model remote controlled airplane to kill some in the United Nations Building. \tTo make things worse, the Death Slayers infiltrates Travis community of geniuses called the Think Tank and plants a deadly virus and a nuclear device. An extraterrestrial hybrid mutant gets control of the situation by construction an electromagnetic force to become a force field to contain the nuclear blast. The force field contains the blast but send a force into the earth's core disturbing the magma. Will California survive when the shockwaves breaks open the San Andreas Faults? \tA warning is given from the government of Egypt that they will retaliate for the killing of their Delegate and the Death Slayers proposes a coup to settle it in a pyramid in Egypt. It is hell to pay when Nathaniel Bonebrake, aka "The Shadow Lord" takes it to them inside the catacombs. \tDelilah, Travis' wife is taken to Tokyo, Japan where she is held for auction and exchange for Travis. Jackamoto Hiroshima, Travis' friend sets a plan in action to counteract the plot. \tThe President of the United States gets involved and makes a State of the Union/World message and sends a task force to Alexandria, Virginia on a covert mission to bring an end to the Death Slayers Compound but is met with defeat. The Godfather, Doctor Travis Bonebrake offers his services that is accepted and begins his actions of exterminating the Death Slayers. \tAction galore ensues when Travis and his people goes into action.
Paperback Details
  • 978-0-578-07334-7
  • 220 pages
  • $14.95
