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Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2023
  • 979-8374008203 B0C2ST19DF
  • 241 pages
  • $12.95
Sheala Henke
The Heart of the Uni-Verse
S.D. Henke, author

Middle Grade; Science, Nature, Technology; (Market)

Like any typical fifth-grader, Pi deals with the everyday complexities of life, family, and friendship. Compound that with his upcoming heart surgery, and you have the recipe for a galactic-level disaster. Sandwiched between his exhausted mother, his deployed military father, and his declining grandfather, it feels as if his universe is set to implode. When it’s announced that his school will host a national science contest, Pi sees this as his chance to change the course of his life. Unfortunately, only eligible sixth-grade students can participate. With the help of his friends, Pi concocts a plan to enter, taking his dream beyond the limits of space and time, and together they discover how to heal more than just a broken heart.
Amaazon Verified Purchase

This book is so full of HEART I can't even! I was so moved by the narrative weaving between poetry and prose and the special relationship between the MC and his grandfather, Big Paw that I shared it with an older friend who is dealing with the early stages of dementia (SPOILER ALERT-this is one of the sub-plot points that brought this book to life) and they read it in less than 2 days! Balled their eyes out. It is a beautiful, soul-affirming book about coming of age through significant challenges and finding the true source of love and life to overcome any obstacle. What a breath of fresh air! 

Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2023
  • 979-8374008203 B0C2ST19DF
  • 241 pages
  • $12.95
