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Paperback Details
  • 10/2019
  • 978-0-9994099-4-7
  • 261 pages
  • $11.95
Ebook Details
  • 10/2019
  • 517 pages
  • $4.99
JK Kelly
The Lost Pulse
JK Kelly, author

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Publish)

The Lost Pulse is an action-packed military thriller that picks up where Kelly's debut novel Found In Time stopped for a rest. The U.S. Marines had been tasked with testing new, top-secret technology - the ability to go back in time. The onslaught of extremist groups bent on disrupting or destroying what the world holds sacred forces a response where the Marines do much more than improvise, adapt, overcome. Camp David is in ruins, the White House has become a walled city, and now the Vatican is at risk. The pace is relentless, the missions like no other.

Fans of Douglas E. Richards’s blockbuster time travel novel Split Second will love The Lost Pulse.  Kelly’s unique blend of sci-fi and military fiction works well. Kelly’s portrait of a world so threatened by terrorism that no world leader is safe (even the Pope contemplates cancelling Easter Mass) makes this a page-turner. While Kelly provides just enough backstory to make The Lost Pulse stand on its own, we recommend reading the series debut, Found in Time, to fully appreciate the relationship between Jackson, his wife and her brother.  

D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

“…characters charge into the unknown in a manner that will engage thriller readers right up to the end, thoroughly immersing them in the lives of Popes, Presidents, Marines, and individuals who fight for love, family, freedom, and self.”

Paperback Details
  • 10/2019
  • 978-0-9994099-4-7
  • 261 pages
  • $11.95
Ebook Details
  • 10/2019
  • 517 pages
  • $4.99
