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Kaye D. Schmitz
The Road Renounced
In 2015 Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, Suzanne Ryan uncovers her grandmother’s diary embedded in the binding of a century-old photo album. Thrilled to learn about her grandmother, Maude, who died before Suzanne was born, she reads the first entry, written on Maude’s, tenth birthday. In 1915 Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, Maude Brewer, her brother, Henry, and his best friend Buzz Ryan live a relatively care-free existence. But the darkening conflict in Europe looms, threatening all of them with the fight of their lives. At the same time, across the ocean, darkness has already fallen as the Germans march into neutral Belgium and shatter the life of nurse Marthe Peeters, whose family is viciously killed right in front of her. She is captured and forced to travel with the German Army. But as Maude’s story unfolds, it intersects with Marthe’s and Suzanne learns that not only do these two women share their perspectives on the war, they also share the love of the same man, Buzz Ryan, Suzanne’s grandfather. Buzz, Suzanne learns, must not only fight the war on the battlefield, he must also fight the war within his heart.
