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Paperback Details
  • 00/2022
  • 979-8439883769
  • 208 pages
  • $$16.95
eBook Details
  • 00/2022
  • B09WJNNVQ2
  • 210 pages
  • $$9.99
Carol Ann Langford
The Speed of Passion
Author Carol Ann Langford’s vivid, entertaining storytelling rocks the leadership development house with a treasure chest of smart mechanisms that unlock business relationship magic in this engaging book’s exploration of 21st century corporate leadership development. These crucial skills include stakeholder-focused messages that motivate natural delivery, trust-enhancing interaction with coworkers and employees, graceful conflict transformation, heart-brain intentionality, mindfulness, and imagination toward elevated aspiration. The Speed of Passion: How Relationship-Based Leadership Drives Innovationushers you directly into the corporate offices where you get to be present for the intimate, challenging, and uplifting coaching conversations hosted by Carol Ann. In this guide, you will discover and learn: engagement, enrich company culture Business vision and ownership, executive presence, action-oriented and persuasive communication Authentic leadership that honors your true voice, values, vision, contribution Strengthened relationships which deepen trust, activate stakeholder Neuro-science-based models and practices that elevate human performance, meaning, enjoyment Intentional goal fulfillment that drives customer satisfaction and triple bottom line profits Unleashing highest human leadership potential for optimal, elevated business outcomes remains Carol Ann’s primary objective and she fulfills it with humor and decades of experience, awakening a conscious, intentional human presence in the evolving 21st century business world.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2022
  • 979-8439883769
  • 208 pages
  • $$16.95
eBook Details
  • 00/2022
  • B09WJNNVQ2
  • 210 pages
  • $$9.99
