An embarrassing underwear incident? A lesson on a runaway bike? Grandma's wig at the fire department? These and lots of other adventures await ten-year-old Sofie, whose life is pretty ordinary until she finds out that in two weeks her family has to move in with her grandma (not her favorite grandma, her other grandma).
While Sofie tries to adjust to her new life in Wisconsin, she gets into many sticky situations with her wacky grandma and learns the shocking truth about her family. And as if THAT wasn't enough, she's got to impress the cute neighbor!
"There's a good deal of madcap action and several embarrassing moments, and kids Sofie's age...will be plenty amused." - Kirkus Reviews (THE WIG: New School & Other Stuff, #2)
"Middle-grade readers will laugh and cringe their way through the over-the-top antics of Sofie and her family and friends. It's another quick, fun read for the Ivy and Bean crowd." - Kirkus Reviews (THE WIG: Cold Feet, #4)
"Every school library should have this book!" - K. Feutz, middle-grade teacher
"THE WIG consistently hits the target.
The Wig fits in one of the hardest categories to write well: the troublesome tween years...Since I have children in this age group I have read a generous sampling of such books...The Wig somehow manages to be more mature while keeping everything right where it should be for this age group. The author manages to mix several mature and entertaining elements into the plot with good results...One item particularly well crafted by Suerth: Sofie's introduction into 'puppy love'. Suerth manages this difficult landscape without making it too cloying or inappropriate. This is coupled with some humorous 'embarrassing moments'...This puppy love subplot happens while we weave through Sofia's main internal conflict: dealing with change. Sofia's feelings regarding change serve as the undercurrent of all the mishaps and encounters. The book ends on a high note, with Sofia realizing that her feelings toward her grandmother have changed, showing that Sofia (and perhaps the reader as well) can adapt, change, and grow. This theme is always very powerful to me, as adapting, changing, and growing is absolutely crucial to our well being...As you read through THE WIG there are some quotes and thoughts that are valid life lessons, and they are presented fluidly, without detracting from the story...I will recommend that my daughters read it. While this may not sound like a big deal, time is a valuable commodity and the world is full of choices. THE WIG is a worthwhile way to spend this time...Definitely a good book for gifting, it that's on your mind." -Top Amazon Reviewer "Just Trying to Help" , 5-STARS