Plot: The idea of a "community" for ex-CIA operatives, where they are drugged and brainwashed, is unusual and certainly memorable. Occasionally, which characters are aligned with which (good versus bad intentions) could be clarified to strengthen the book’s premise.
Prose/Style: The text is fairly light and amusing, with witty and irreverent dialogue, chapter titles, and scenes. The title refers to white supremacy, an idea that the ultra-conservative characters in this book espouse.
Originality: This project feels original, except for the presence of Russian enemies, which is a well-worn trope in many contemporary mystery/thrillers. Although this is billed as a mystery/thriller, it's also a humorous book filled with quirky people. It is set in contemporary times and, with Trump as president, we meet characters like a ‘bad guy’ lobbyist, and a talking dog puppet attached to a man’s arm.
Character Development: Max is a multi-faceted character, odd and somewhat charismatic, the most completely developed here. He has an adorable, if opinionated, dog. Jeremy, as Max's girlfriend's son and Max's protégé, is quite effectively fleshed out, too.
Date Submitted: April 17, 2020