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Hardcover Book Details
  • 08/2016
  • 9780982692646
  • 250 pages
  • $49.95
Robert Jastremski
Working World Mentor: A Comprehensive Guide for Students and Young Adults

Advice is perishable. Often we hear some good advice but it’s for a situation not in play for months or years, so you forget the advice. Working World Mentor contains 80 standalone what/why/how, insightful topics, covering student concerns, job capture, workplace reality, communications, and professional development winning advice. A chapter on balancing work and enjoying life is included.. This book covers how to achieve desired goals with minimum stress. The author lived a remarkably diverse career, mentored many to successful careers. Nine mentees provide high-praise endorsements. The advice is illustrated with real-world examples in straight-talk language. It is as if the author was there advising you about the issue you are facing at that moment. The topics are the ones that count. It offers an unusual wealth of knowledge condensed to 5 minutes of advice per topic. Think of it as a handbook or operator’s manual – you get timely advice about your upcoming challenge.



5.0 out of 5 starsThis book should be on your desk, stained and dogeared from much use.

ByCharles McCannon October 3, 2016

I have known Jaz on and off for several years so my review may be a bit slanted, but; I hope not. This book illustrates his character quite well, he is astute and reads social and economic issues quite well. Both on a micro and macro scale. I have utilized him several times as a mentor, and when I made choices contrary to his insights I back-peddled to catch back up. He is a consummate and savvy manager. Enough about the man... on to the book.

The book is well written and organized. It addresses the technical, practical and emotional issues involved in moving forward in life while not ignoring the caveat of the unpredictable human condition. It gives his life examples along with others he observed, he explained the results of decisions and why he believes they occurred.

The structure of the book takes you from somewhere in school to resume, interview, first day on the job and forward from there. He explains the importance of networking and appearance. Remember; to all those around you, their perception is their reality. Each step along the way is weighed for it's importance and that weight is explained.

This is a book to buy young and to consult often throughout your career. It should be on your desk, stained and dogeared from much use.

5.0 out of 5 starsA Personal Mentor: Always Available to You!

ByBrooklyn45on December 19, 2016

Very few individuals (entering the workforce or already there) meet experienced people with the time necessary or the desire to act as their mentor. This book addresses that void by compiling (as a guide) the widest range of issues that will be encountered throughout a career, provides an explanation of how they occur, and provides approaches that could be applied to either capitalize on them or nullify their effect. In other words a “mentor” that is always with (and available) to you. It is clear that the author spent his career digesting these issues, helping others cope with them, reading about them, and thinking them through. The book projects a “labor of love” on his part since it brings together in one place all of the experiences that he has had (positive and negative) and the solutions applied. This is a book that can (and should) be used as a reference whenever positive or negative workplace events require analysis, thought, and action. Keeping it handy, annotating additional personal observations in the margins, and referring to it frequently throughout a career would serve as the surrogate mentor that all of us would like to have had.

See many additionaL 5-star reviews on Amazon.

Hardcover Book Details
  • 08/2016
  • 9780982692646
  • 250 pages
  • $49.95
