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  • TRISTAN Publishing

    Editing, Business, Art & Design, Production, Distribution, Promotion & PR, Publishing

    We are an independent publishing house dedicated to producing books and other products with messages that uplift, inspire and give hope.

  • vfx academy

    Art & Design, Production, Distribution

    VFX artist encounters over a decade of award-winning experience in developing of amazing visual effects for feature films, television, and commercials. shown the ability to work equally separately and collectively and deliver high-quality results on deadline and within budget. knowledge in a range of VFX initiatives, which include Maya, Houdini, Nuke, and After Effects.

  • Vital Vision Publications

    Production, Social Media, Promotion & PR
  • Sandra Wendel

    Editing, Production, Publishing

    I am a veteran nonfiction book editor who specializes in true crime, business/leadership, certain memoirs, and self-help/health. Initial consultation is free. Let me hear from you. I love working with first-time authors, and I wrote an award-winning book on editing just for them: Cover to Cover: What First-Time Authors Need to Know about Editing. In addition to teaching noncredit classes on ...

  • Wilkinson Studios, Inc.

    Art & Design, Production

    Wilkinson Studios represents artists from around the globe, and can help you find the perfect illustrator for your self-published book, whether it's a children's book, YA or adult novel cover, fantasy, science fiction, graphic novel, comic book, scientific publication, or educational work. We have the artist and style to fit your manuscript and your budget. We also can provide layout,...

  • Wisdom House Books

    Editing, Art & Design, Production, Web Design, Social Media, Promotion & PR, Publishing
    1 Endorsement

    WISDOM HOUSE BOOKS offers every service an author may need to produce a high quality book and to maximize that book's potential under our care. We represent the best of YOU and our services reflect that. We pull our resources and years of experiences in Publishing, Editing, Promotion & PR, Production, Art & Design, Web Design, Social Media, and Photography representation together for you. A...

  • Wise Writer Publishing

    Business, Production, Publishing
  • Writing Coach, Book Narrator, Screenwriter, Comedian, Copywriter

    Editing, Business, Production, Web Design, Publishing

    As a writing coach, I help writers of all genres and skill level with their writing projects from concept to completion. I adore working with writers to write from their emotional core for authentic prose in any genre. As an optioned screenwriter, I'm hired to do punch-ups and rewrites and for-hire scripts, as well as writing my own spec scripts. As an expert-level copywriter and sales st...

  • Writing Services Africa

    Editing, Business, Art & Design, Production, Distribution, Web Design, Social Media, Promotion & PR

Service providers, companies, and individuals posting listings on Services Directory are not endorsed by BookLife or Publishers Weekly.

