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YIMBY: Yes In My Back Yard!
Sheryl Recinos
Recinos (author of the Transitional Age Youth series) teaches younger readers the value of caring for individuals experiencing homelessness in this warmhearted picture book. The story showcases several layers of a community, from young children to the elderly, spotlighting those without houses—and emphasizing the responsibility of “every community [to] make space to house every adult, every child.” As the book’s townspeople go about their daily lives, several recognize the glaring need of their neighbors living on the street, prompting them to take action so each individual has “a place to live… somewhere to stay safe.”

Ravensdale’s brightly hued illustrations are ablaze with emotion, rendering the story’s unhoused people with striking expressions and splashing a sense of belonging across the pages as the town comes together to provide for their own. Featured families throughout the book build tiny homes in their backyards, crafted with special care and thoughtful attention, before offering them as homes to their unhoused neighbors, a powerful call to action portrayed in relatable prose and radiant graphics. The mantra—“we can’t leave them outside// we can’t push them away”—is resonant, particularly when the story’s characters reach out a helping hand to those in need, offering a welcoming, respectful answer to the housing crisis that so many communities are experiencing today.

Recinos empowers readers to make small changes that, when added together, have the potential to “end homelessness forever,” suggesting different ways to take initiative, such as making donations to shelters, engaging in creative fundraising, and advocating for people without a voice. That sense of responsibility for improving the world around us hits home, particularly as Recinos urges “when everyone says Yes In My Back Yard, we can work together to create housing everywhere that people need a place to live.” Backmatter includes a list of organizations that actively support ending homelessness.

Takeaway: Moving entreaty for young readers to work together to end homelessness.

Comparable Titles: Eliza Wheeler’s Home in the Woods, Vera B. Williams’s A Chair for My Mother.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Click here for more about YIMBY: Yes In My Back Yard!
Black Defender: The Awakening
Dr. David Washington
This rousing superhero debut and origin story boasts a compelling cast, polished art, a savvy understanding of crime, cops, and media, and above all a welcome emphasis on what justice actually means—and what it takes to pursue it. The lavishly successful businessman/sociologist/psychologist Dr. Chris Withers and his journalist wife, Crystal Withers, enjoy a loving life in a city they know is too often unjust. In fact, a seemingly organized rash of abductions of young women of color concerns them both, as neither the police nor the “Assembly of Heroes” can be bothered with saving “the people who would not be missed.” When a tip about the involvement of a corrupt cop puts Crystal in danger, Chris, a devotee of martial arts, takes to the streets, beating information out of drug dealers affiliated with Crystal’s target.

Soon his friend Alicia Johnson, genius CEO of Johnson Industries, presents him with a life-changing offer: a cutting-edge tactical combat suit, complete with weapons, gadgets, and a motorcycle Alicia calls her “black beauty.” Elements of this origin are familiar, of course, but Washington freshens the storytelling with memorable insights. Chris’s discussion with students of the concept of “privilege” is powerful and illuminating, as is Crystal’s outrage that the scant press coverage the missing girls have received invariably links them to street gangs. The tension in the second half isn’t just in whether Chris will win the day—it’s in how far he will go.

Zhengis Tasbolatov’s art is crisp, clear, and compelling, whether characters are engaged in thoughtful colloquies or armed combat. Chris flipping on a rooftop to avoid gunshots is a striking enough image to linger over, but the sense of momentum from one panel to the next makes lingering a challenge—comics fans will be rushing to see what’s next. Washington’s characters may be accomplished, but nothing comes easy for them. Black Defender powerfully centers Black strength and genius, but also hard work, self-knowledge, and taking accountability.

Takeaway: Powerful superhero debut pitting Black Defender against corruption and kidnapping.

Comparable Titles: Devin K. Grayson’s Omni, Saladin Ahmed’s Abbott.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A-

Click here for more about Black Defender: The Awakening
The Last Refuge: Stealing Sanctuary Series
Christina Bacilieri
When she tries to skirt the rules to improve life for herself and her single mother, a student named Kiera on the “withering” planet of Atterah is thrust into a gladiatorial style magical competition in this coming-of-age fantasy, Bacilieri’s promising debut and the kickoff to a series. When the draconian Ruling Board unexpectedly opens the gates to Etabon, the only place left on the planet where magic remains, in advance of a grand festival, Kiera thinks she’s only helping her well-off classmates sneak up to the borders. But the truth is someone else is scheming to get her out of the way. Soon, she’s thrust unwittingly past the borders of the magical realm, a transformative act—she finds herself whiskered and “covered in midnight fur.” Forced to agree to a magical bargain with the ethically dubious warden of Etabon, Kiera must fight in the arenas to generate magical energy.

Despite the magic, animal-shifting, and vivid sense of both dystopia and wonder, Bacilieri’s cast and their motivations feel relatable and well-grounded as Kiera and company fight not just to protect themselves and each other but to retain their humanity and morals in the face of a brutal system. Characterization is strong as Kiera, ensnared by those who would use her, finds friends and allies in Etabon bold enough to take a stand amidst increasing danger, chief among them the charming Attalin, long separated from her family, first encountered here tending bar among mermaids and sirens.

Pacing is brisk, rewarding readers with twists, thrills, high-stakes deal-making, moonlit elk rides, and a charming touch of Sapphic romance. Bacilieri honors and sometimes upends genre expectations, and her creatures, spells, and mysteries are crafted with clear love. Kiera makes for an eminently likable heroine whose strength comes largely in her kindness, creativity, and determination, and she surrounds herself with others who exemplify these qualities despite challenging circumstances. This is a strong pick for YA fantasy fans looking for a magical new adventure.

Takeaway: Engaging fantasy of animal-shifting, facing injustice, and kindness.

Comparable Titles: Sarah Rees Brennan’s In Other lands, Rachel Vincent’s Menagerie.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Click here for more about The Last Refuge
Fly in the Ointment: Book I
Robert Cooper
Cooper’s twisty debut, the kickoff to a series, centers on the secrets of a sprawling mansion some 70 miles outside of Pasadena, recently purchased by Kevin Swan, the wealthy thirtysomething son of a SoCal shipping magnate. Kevin lives for martial arts, classic cars, hang gliding, and travel—he’s the owner/publisher of a magazine dedicated to it—and has vague plans of transforming the estate into a museum. But as soon as he tries to open the front door, he and his closest companion —his German Shepherd, a rescue named Princess—face uncanny strangeness, from a screen door blown into the upper boughs of a mighty cottonwood, to vile substances in a locked observatory, to a surprise library with titles like Necromancy: Pedigrees, Formulations, Analyses. Underhill, the local salt overseeing a rewiring project, warns him away from the central tower. Worst of all: Princess is acting up, even fighting with her human.

The novel is as sprawling and unpredictable as its subject, a mansion with more rooms and curiosities—like its bewildering abundance of cupboards—than Kevin can count. Hints come early about elements that might power the mysteries (a chance encounter with a beautiful woman in China years before; the Swan family’s connection to a cursed ancient knife), but even after Kevin brings some experts in supernatural weirdness, a Caltech prof and a “witch” named Spooky who’s “one fry short of a Happy Meal,” this chatty, discursive novel never resists a joke or charts a straightforward storytelling path. Kevin engages in patter comedy routines with his friends and a pair of unhoused day laborers, and his excursions via Harley, Jaguar, and 1950 Pontiac Chieftain are lovingly detailed.

Readers interested primarily in the mysteries will find the pacing slow, with the comedy clashing with the darker material. When horror elements take center stage (as in scenes of exploration or a setpiece séance) Cooper demonstrates wicked inventiveness and timing. He can spring a jolt, a gross-out, and a surprise.

Takeaway: Sprawling, surprisingly comic novel of a possibly haunted estate.

Comparable Titles: Grady Hendrix’s How to Sell a Haunted House, Edgar Cantero’s The Supernatural Enhancements.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: B+
Marketing copy: A-

Click here for more about Fly in the Ointment
Stayin' Alive
Susie McKenna
Deana Harris, now Deana Cooney, returns in McKenna’s sequel to Last Tracks, and this time she’s headed to rural Virginia with friends Cindy, Shelly, and Jean, in search of serenity and a peaceful round of golf, but when Deana stumbles onto a dead body while searching for a lost ball, their tranquil getaway is shattered. The body belongs to Kyle Dixon, a shady real estate agent working under the alias of Ken Draper in Washington, D.C., who swindled Shelly and Jean.

Whether you’re a brother or mother, the disco-inflected mystery that follows will keep you on your toes as Deana and her dishy, sharply drawn crew face multiple suspects, from scorned lovers and their partners to, well, each other. Kyle is well-known as the philandering husband of the wealthy Jennifer Dixon, co-owner of the Monarch Estates, the swank gated community where the body was discovered. Complicating matters is the fact that a major development is in the works for Monarch, and Kyle’s opinions—and involvement—in the scheme may have put him at risk. Soon enough, more death follows, and as the friends begin to understand the danger they’re in, and local detective Greg O’Neill gets involved. Deana and co. are quick to jump in and offer assistance to O’Neill, along with their retired police officer friend Snooky, as the group works to overcome lies and betrayals.

McKenna brings the milieu, in the shadows of the Blue Ridge Mountains, to engaging life—“this bucolic area certainly does remind one of the goings-on in the English crime shows” Shelly declares—as the story blends sleuthing, suspense, and complicated friendships. A touch of romance is welcome, despite the setting’s decidedly dangerous happenings. This murder mystery is served with a slice of lightheartedness though, as the titular song functions as the story’s theme song, playing every time Cindy’s doorbell rings and offering comic relief, while still reminding the crew of their ultimate goal.

Takeaway: Dishy mystery pitting friends against murder in gated-community Virginia.

Comparable Titles: Ellen Crosby’s The Merlot Murders, Ella Barrick’s Quickstep to Murder.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Stayin' Alive
Poetic People Power: Three Spoken Word Shows for Social Change
Tara Bracco
Bracco’s bold collection of performance-ready verse from the collective Poetic People Power (now celebrating its 20th year) is a resonant call to action from an ambitious group of writers and activists who believe “another world is possible with poetry.” Each of the P3 “show”s here offers a series of spoken-word poems with stage directions that address an urgent issue, like the climate crisis, sexism, and human rights abuses across the globe. Powered by a collective intention to transform readers “into [...] change agent[s] in the world,” these pieces focus, in language of uplift and outrage, on pollution in marginalized communities, persecution of LGBTQ people in Uganda, food scarcity, sex trafficking, the lingering effects of colonialism and many more social, political, and environmental problems.

While the page can’t capture the vibrancy and artistry with which these pieces can be performed onstage—readers can bear witness to P3’s explosive showmanship in online videos—this collection performs the welcome service of expanding access to the poets’ work outside of New York City playhouses. However, they certainly do not lack urgency. The first show, “The Eco Rise,” highlights “environmental heroes” without international recognition, like Peggy Shepard, who spoke out against the “low-income minorities being disproportionately affected,” by pollution caused by public transit in New York City. Because of her, every “NYC bus was replaced with a hybrid.”

“While We Were Sleeping,” the collection’s third show, focuses on human rights atrocities being committed in Uganda, the Philippines, and New York, among several others, and doesn’t shy away from graphic descriptions of the sexual and physical violence being inflicted upon people in these regions. Without comprehensive media coverage of these events, the poets write, “while we were sleeping, others were suffering,” but the power of poetry is that it awakens poets and readers alike to insights unknown. Readers seeking a collection of unflinching activism poetry will find much that inspires and provokes in the collective’s heroic first collection, edited by founder and artistic director Bracco.

Takeaway: Powerful collection of spoken-word poetry from a New York collective

Comparable Titles: Terrence Hayes’ Watch Your Language, and Elizabeth Acevedo’s The Poet X.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Poetic People Power
Finding Foxtale Forest: Book One
Madeleine Hewitt
Tales and tails play off each other in this fun and sumptuously illustrated adventure. When five young girls from different walks of life, each unsatisfied with their current circumstances and united by a shared love of storytelling, are separately invited to a magical forest by an intrepid talking fox who appears unexpectedly in their lives.“There are stories waiting for you to help them grow, and there are tales that only you can tell,” the fox says, promising that each invitee’s unique skills are needed because “no good story gets a happy ending without a little help”—and further promising to return them to the precise time and place from which they departed. The girls agree, appearing in a storybook forest whose foliage “glittered like the inside of a treasure chest.”

The diverse cohort of young girls–Danielle, from California; Pax, in Tennessee; Eva in New York; Amy from Texas; Kex from Michigan–find much allure in the promise of adventure. Of young Eva, frustrated by her mother's workaholism on a planned trip to the New York Public Library, Hewitt writes, “It was a beautiful feeling, being invited. To know that she was needed.” Eva is enticed by the promise of time travel and aiding others, and Hewitt deftly gives each participant her own compelling reasons for taking this chance.

With a whoosh and a thump the fun begins, as the fox transports the girls to the forest and then on fun jaunts: first, to a dusty town struggling with drought for years, and after that they join a sea captain determined to amass all the world's treasures. Can the girls observe, collaborate, and determine how to bring these tales to their happy endings? Only by combining their individual skills and working together will they have a chance to fulfill this goal. In frisky, engaging prose that is itself touched with forest magic, Finding Foxtale Forest weaves together themes of friendship, adventure, collaboration, and the power of storytelling, all while creating a delightful and engaging tale of its own.

Takeaway: Fun adventure of girls discovering magic, friendship, and the power of storytelling.

Comparable Titles: Jacqueline West’s Long Lost, Katherine Applegate’s Willodeen.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Finding Foxtale Forest
Cape Wrath
Ted Olson
Olson’s accomplished, time-crossed debut weaves together elements of mystery, romance, and the supernatural against the backdrop of desolate Cape Wrath in the Scottish Highlands. The time-crossed story centers on the lives of Andrea Sinclair, a theater actress, and Thomas MacAllister, a Royal Navy officer turned lighthouse keeper in the years after World War II. Andrea believes “If he loves me, he will leave” the Highlands, but soon their love is overshadowed by secrets and tragedy. Olson skilfully constructs a dual timeline narrative that follows the intertwined fates of characters across generations, with the novel’s first half focusing on Andrea and Thomas’s love affair, the mysterious lighthouse, and Andrea’s acting career, the narrative gradually unveiling layers of hidden truths. In the second half, Mary, an investigative reporter, and Evan, Thomas's nephew, join forces to unravel the mysteries surrounding Thomas's untimely demise and a possible supernatural presence haunting the abandoned lighthouse.

Despite the lack of a singular protagonist, Olson’s ensemble and his intricately crafted milieu propels the narrative forward. Andrea emerges as the connecting thread between the two narrative epochs, as she embarks with Mary and Evan on a quest for answers. The atmospheric setting of Cape Wrath serves as a character in itself, with Olson's vivid descriptions (one light is “small but brilliant, and it hovered above the dark mass of the ridge, on a horizon separating land and sea”) evoking the harsh beauty and isolation of Scotland's northern coast.

In the end, the lighthouse fittingly emerges as the center point of everyone’s quest for answers, providing much-needed closure for Andrea. Olson's indulgent storytelling and rich character development will transport readers of richly emotional literary romances into a place caught between land and sea, past and present, and reality and the supernatural. Olson captures the essence of this place and these characters across decades, crafting a timeless romance rich with poignant reflections on the human experience and the complexities of grief.

Takeaway: Decades-spanning story of romance, mystery, and a remote Scottish lighthouse.

Comparable Titles: M.L. Stedman’s The Light Between Oceans, Hazel Gaynor’s The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Cape Wrath
Cold Fury
Toni Anderson
Anderson plunges readers into a gripping romantic thriller that unfolds with the escape of Julius Leech, a convicted serial killer. Leech’s escape is a nightmare for Hope Harper, the assistant district attorney who has a dark history with him: seven years ago, Hope orchestrated Leech’s acquittal for a different crime on a technicality, despite her misgivings that he was, in fact, guilty. Shortly after her courtroom win, Hope discovered her husband and daughter brutally murdered, a crime she immediately pinned on Leech—though he maintained his innocence from the start. Now, with him on the loose, Hope’s once again in danger.

Under around-the-clock protection from the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team, led by Aaron Nash, Hope finds herself bunking down with Nash and his operatives inside her home, while Leech goes on an escalating spree of murders—and seeks vengeance against those responsible for his conviction. As Hope continues her pursuit of justice in the courtroom while being surrounded by armed men, Agent Frazer is assigned to the hunt, and Leech’s personal assistant, Blake Delaware, and old friend Eloisa are drawn into the fray. Meanwhile, Aaron grapples with Hope’s controlling nature—and wrestles with mistrust towards her brother-in-law Brendan—until the two collide in the throes of a forbidden romance, complicating an already volatile situation.

Anderson masterfully weaves a tale of danger and desire, expertly balancing suspense with romantic tension in this fourth installment of her Cold Justice – Most Wanted series (after Cold Snap). The narrative threads converge in a gripping climax, leading to her capture by Leech. Amidst the chaos, a shocking revelation about Hope’s family changes everything. Anderson delves into the complexities of a relentless woman confronting the fallout of her ambition, while highlighting the consequences of misdeeds in an unjust and corrupt world.

Takeaway: Romantic thriller fueled by gripping tension and an explosive ending.

Comparable Titles: Willow Rose’s Don’t Lie to Me, Jo Nesbo’s Police.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Cold Fury
Uncharted: A widow's journey back to life and love cruising the Intracoastal Waterway
Barbara A Busenbark
Busenbark’s debut is a heady mix of genres, from tragedy to travel, that kicks off with the death of her husband, Rick, after 32 years of marriage. Suddenly, Busenbark is transformed into a widow, left to fend for herself, though she’s surrounded by family: “I feared I couldn’t control the sorrow consuming me. I needed to keep my hell private” she writes. In time, Busenbark meets Tim, who introduces her to sailing, sweeping her into a coastal escape where she finds inspiration for her paintings in the New England seascapes. What follows is a widow’s attempt to rediscover herself through self-sufficiency, art, and love.

The journey is incremental and unhurried, as Busenbark lingers on descriptions of her surroundings and extracts philosophical lessons from her experiences. It’s also punctuated by tragedy—not long after her husband’s death, Busenbark’s son, Richard, died of an overdose—but not in a way that is depressing; rather, it’s a slow, aching pain that gradually transcends into a deep appreciation for the small treasures in life. Busenbark’s artistic side manifests in the stunning visual imagery of her writing, as when she describes the changes she undergoes as “layers of emotion stacked up like a pile of old books, each with a story and hundreds of pages.”

The memoir’s second half is devoted to Busenbark’s sailing excursion with Tim from Maine to Florida, a meandering but vivid flow of historical landmarks, sailing jargon, and shocking weather. Family members often pop in for guest appearances, and Busenbark is candid about the fears that accompany such an immense undertaking. Her memories of Rick beat a steady rhythm throughout, as she wisely declares “there are some things you can’t fix and some thoughts that remain buried within our souls.” This is a poignant narrative about love, loss, and life that exposes the heartrending side of grief alongside the beauty that comes with healing.

Takeaway: A widow rediscovers herself through art, sailing, and new love.

Comparable Titles: Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking, Meghan O’Rourke’s The Long Goodbye.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: B
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Uncharted
How Your Guitar Works: An Introduction to Music Instrument Science
Bill Foley
Shredders, pickers, gear heads, and anyone fascinated by what’s actually happening inside their guitars will appreciate this illuminating (but advanced) introduction to the science and secrets of the instrument from Foley (author of Build Your Own Electric Guitar). This study blends history, science, and an encyclopedic knowledge of headstock and pickup designs and more. The in-depth examinations of the fundamentals of waveforms and electromagnetism are steps toward mastering what matters most: sound. That means a somewhat heady discussion of magnetic circuits lays the groundwork for an explanation of the impact of an instrument’s magnetic field conditions on guitar strings, including each’s “harmonic tonal response.” Foley’s fully illustrated history of pickups, from early “humbuckers” to classic models and beyond, likewise digs deep into how each new development altered the way currents, waves, and more thrum through a guitar.

Not that the electronics, to Foley, are the most important thing. He persuasively describes them as “symbiotic and sophisticated hitchhikers” that “contribute little to nothing positive to the mechanical voice of the instrument” but are “key to a panorama of voicings.” Foley’s brisk, millennia-spanning tour of the history of guitar development, from hunting bow to harpsichord to lute, and his in-depth breakdown of the individual components of guitars and their functions, all blend research, experimentation, and first-hand expertise in how guitar components affect tone production. Rather than settle for just explaining the function and evolution of the nut slot, he demonstrates how to calculate the gravitational force on a string in the slot to better understand tuning problems.

Foley’s commitment to showing the work, including the equations, will thrill math-minded guitarists interested in the finer points of capacitive currents, though readers looking for a more introductory approach will at times be left behind. They’ll still discover much that demystifies the workings of guitars, from the cut and structure of necks to the fact that “in guitar circuitry, it’s not where the wire goes, but what goes through the wire.”

Takeaway: Illuminating guide to the science, sound, and evolution of guitars.

Comparable Titles: Paul Atkinson’s Amplified, Rhianne Conway’s How a Guitar Works.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about How Your Guitar Works
Teddy's Bear Take a Tumble
Jane Smith
Good dads are of vital importance, and their positive influence can have a far-reaching impact on a child’s well-being and ability to empathize with others. In Smith’s touching picture book, a young bear named Teddy learns how to be a gentle, loving caretaker through the kind-hearted attention of his father, who cooks for Teddy, changes his diapers, and helps him get dressed. Teddy passes this affection on to Bear, his favorite stuffy, who Teddy cares for like a son. “I know how to be a good dad to Bear, because Daddy is a good dad to me,” Teddy proudly proclaims.

One afternoon on a father-son bike ride, Teddy goes a little too fast and ends up falling and scraping his arm on the sidewalk. Bear is also hurt, with his stuffing spilling out at the seams. After Daddy patches up Teddy, Teddy mends Bear with band-aids—but it proves to be only a temporary fix. On the way home from the park, they stop and see Teddy’s grandfather, who carefully mends Bear with a needle and thread. These tender scenes offer an opportunity for kids and adults to discuss the power of passing kindness down through generations and illustrate the concept that our actions matter deeply to other people.

Smith’s action-packed illustrations show Teddy and his dad as they start their day, prepare lunch on the grill, race cars, and head out on their adventure. Wearing a bright yellow helmet with green spikes on top, Teddy tears down the sidewalk on his tricycle with button-eyed Bear in his handlebar basket, a cloud of dust behind him. Most powerful is the consistently understanding expression on Daddy’s face, creating a warm and safe place for Teddy to land when he inevitably falls. Ultimately this wholesome story showcases a good-natured version of masculinity that feels both refreshing and vital.

Takeaway: A young bear learns from his father to be a gentle, loving caretaker..

Comparable Titles: Terry Border’s Big Brother Peanut Butter, Anna McQuinn’s Lola Reads to Leo,

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Teddy's Bear Take a Tumble
My Father's Story: The Murder of the Best Man I've Ever Known
Eric Johnson
Johnson’s debut examines a heartbreaking crime and the legal and emotional aftermath. On March 17, 2021, William Johnson and two dogs were killed by his ex-girlfriend, Angelee Ross, whom William met in 2014 at the mechanic shop where he was employed. William’s son, Eric, enjoyed a close and loving relationship with his father (whom he called “Pops”) throughout his life and was of course shattered by this. In My Father’s Story Eric recounts fishing trips, learning about cars, and visiting his father frequently until his dad bought a “dream home” in the Manistee National Forest in Michigan 2017. By that time, William and Angelee had broken up amicably and then reconciled, a pattern that would continue, on less friendly terms. From the outset of the investigation, Angelee never denied murdering William. She would plead eventually guilty by reason of insanity on six different felony counts, including first degree murder.

Combining personal narrative and partially redacted transcripts of evidentiary hearings and other court proceedings, author Eric relays the story of his relationship with the man he called “Pops,” a loving father who, as Eric writes, “not only fulfilled his role as a dad but also became one of my closest confidants.” These passages are touching, as are Eric’s accounts of the aftermath, finding support from unexpected quarters (including relatives of Angelee's), and learning through hearings exactly what transpired in his father’s last moments.

The bulk of the book shares testimony from those hearings. In the end, Angelee was found not guilty by reason of insanity and remanded to a mental health facility, likely for the remainder of her life. The narrative would benefit from more first-person storytelling; in narrative passages, Eric’s style is offhand but effective, especially when capturing what it feels like, in the moment, to face such momentous hearings. The court transcripts are enlightening but also repetitive and technical, and more summaries and some explanations of state statutes and forensic terms would provide greater clarity.

Takeaway: A son faces his father’s murder and the transcribed hearings that followed.

Comparable Titles: Rachel Howard’s The Lost Night, Sarah Perry’s After the Eclipse.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: B+
Illustrations: A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: B

Click here for more about My Father's Story
New Teacher Confidential: What They Didn't Tell You About Being a Teacher
Shannon Hazel
Drawing on years of experience as an educator, Hazel debuts with a fresh approach for teachers new to the field, offering hands-on tools and down-to-earth advice on coping with the “realities of being a teacher in our current education systems.” She acknowledges the challenges that accompany teaching, covering topics from classroom management to effective communication with parents, and emphasizes, above all, the urgent truth that can make a career in education so rewarding: “There are kids out there that need YOU, specifically, to be their teacher. On those challenging days, think of those kids. You are meant to be here.”

Teachers—both beginners and those more seasoned—will appreciate Hazel’s sensible, action-oriented advice. Whether it’s creative ways to collaborate with colleagues and the community (including a fun aside about International Dot Day that offers readers inventive ways to “celebrat[e] the unique talents and gifts” of students) or ideas on how to effectively utilize wall space, Hazel covers all the bases, providing crisp, logical methods to “mak[e] a lasting impression on the lives of children,” while easing the stress that inevitably accompanies a career as challenging as education. In a nod to that stress, Hazel takes time to highlight why self-care is so important, encouraging teachers to set personal and professional boundaries and continually assess their priorities to become “a happier, more productive, more effective teacher.”

Particularly helpful are Hazel’s real-life examples and concrete guidelines, including potential tasks teachers can share with a grade partner, incisive considerations about the role of a public sector employee, and the signs that a class is well-organized and efficient (among them: students won’t need constant direction and a sense of calm will prevail, among others). She details preferred ways to respond to problems that arise as well, including sticky conversations with parents, and her advice that teaching is “a huge responsibility and an incredible gift” resonates.

Takeaway: Hands-on, functional guidance and advice for educators.

Comparable Titles: Andi McNair’s A Meaningful Mess, Jeff C. Marshall’s The Highly Effective Teacher.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Vincent's Women: The Untold Story of the Loves of Vincent van Gogh
Donna Russo
Russo (Gilded Summers) chronicles the life and times of celebrated painter Vincent van Gogh from a fresh perspective, challenging the popular lore that often surrounds him. This arresting narrative reconstructs his transformation through stories of the women he loved, amplifying their profound impact on his life and art, from the primary perspective of Johanna Bonger van Gogh, Vincent’s sister-in-law. Russo skillfully paints a vivid portrait of van Gogh, beginning from his childhood, and carefully marries historical facts with fiction to fill in the gaps, lending the women in his life a central role by allowing van Gogh’s story to flow through them.

Each of Russo’s celebrated feminine influences on van Gogh’s life boasts a distinct identity and unique conflicts that add depth to the narrative. The women appear chronologically, allowing readers an organic glimpse of their development alongside van Gogh’s deterioration—and its subsequent effects on his artform. Johanna powers the narrative with evocative recollections of van Gogh’s mother, Anna, who struggled with “melancholia”; van Gogh’s first love, Eugenie Loyer; Marguerite Gachet, the daughter of van Gogh’s doctor; and more. The women each offer extraordinary viewpoints on the many facets of van Gogh’s life, gifting readers a well-rounded, engrossing study of his character.

Russo takes on van Gogh’s struggle with mental health as well, masterfully steering through the weight of his crumbling life and delivering a nuanced portrayal of his complexities as both a man and an artist, as when Anna van Gogh reflects that “[Vincent] came into the world under a cloud. He chose to live under it.” The narrative is built from a wealth of primary sources, including letters exchanged between van Gogh and his brother, Theo, and Russo closes the book with brief summaries of the central females’ lives after van Gogh’s death. The result is a provocative and compelling look at one of history’s most enigmatic artists.

Takeaway: Fresh take on van Gogh through the women central to his life.

Comparable Titles: Marta Molnar’s The Secret Life of Sunflowers, Debby Beece’s The Van Gogh Woman.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Vincent's Women
Fatal Harvest: A Hunter and Tate Mystery
Brenda Chapman
Chapman’s gripping, emotionally resonant third Hunter and Tate mystery quickly grabs readers’ attention as detective Liam Hunter and true crime podcaster Ella Tate must race against time to catch a killer and save a boy’s life—unless, of course, the boy is the killer. Matt Clark is spending an unusually rainy summer on a farm with friends of his mother in a small village in Ottawa. His parents are working through a rough patch in their marriage. He's made a friend there in Jimmy, an awkward boy with a difficult home life of his own and a history of being bullied. One day, Matt finds that the couple he's been staying with has been murdered—and he flees when he hears someone coming back into the house. Cut to Hunter and Tate, dispatched to find a killer, the missing boy, and to face the possibility that Matt himself is a suspect.

This strong series entry stands alone despite a healthy number of references to earlier books. But the present is urgent enough that new readers will be swept along, as the investigation introduces neighbors, friends, enemies, and observers in the small village and beyond, while also exploring the inner workings of the lives of the police working the case, as well as Ella—who one character notes is “like an antisocial turtle”—and her circle. Relationships are tested, toxic work conditions are exposed, and slowly, piece by piece, lies and betrayals get revealed.

While the leads remain engaging, the touching dynamic between Matt and Jimmy stands as the most captivating part of the story, as these boys find friendship, trust, and acceptance in each other. Writing from the perspective of Jimmy, Chapman offers vital, humane insight into struggles at home, at school, and with other people's expectations of who and how he should be. In Matt, Jimmy finds security and worth—and he’ll risk everything to keep Matt safe. The richness of characterization, though, never comes at the expense of the assured pacing.

Takeaway: Standout procedural of a cop and podcaster chasing a killer and a missing boy.

Comparable Titles: Tami Hoag’s The Boy, John McMahon’s P.T. Marsh series.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Click here for more about Fatal Harvest
